CIA: Avoiding Reform

A joint Senate and House select committee is planning an investigation not just into possible lapses by the CIA and other government intelligence agencies immediately prior to September 11, but into the "intelligence community’s" response to terrorism over the past 16 years. While the investigation might unearth a few interesting tidbits, it is unlikely to … Continue reading “CIA: Avoiding Reform”

Pope Poddy’s Papal Bull

The annual dinner of the American Enterprise Institute, attended by the elite opinion-makers, the movers and shakers of the conservative movement, was a truly solemn event. Norman Podhoretz, editor of Commentary and a renown neoconservative, was scheduled to address the crowd. The gravity of the occasion was underscored by Christopher Demuth’s gushing introductory remarks, wherein … Continue reading “Pope Poddy’s Papal Bull”


Mark Steyn is a right wing Canadian journalist, which is interesting enough in itself, but not the reason we’re going to spend a little time with him. He’s also Conrad Black’s bestest friend in the whole wide world, which is reasonable enough as Lord Black likes selling newspapers, and Mr. Steyn is a very talented … Continue reading “A MORALITY TALE”

The Debate We Never Have

Critics of US wars and US aspirations for empire have had their work cut out for them for over 100 years. This does not mean that there has existed a single, continuous antiwar or anti-imperialist movement of any real public visibility. Certainly, there have been underground currents, so to speak. John T. Flynn, who opposed … Continue reading “The Debate We Never Have”

Terrorism Vs. Occupation

Readers very often accuse me of not writing about Palestinian terrorism against Israel. A typical reader writes: "if Israeli gunmen were going in Palestinian pizza places, weddings, buses, discos, shoe stores and deliberately massacring Palestinian civilians, Ran HaCohen would go on a tirade against Israel. Yet he remains silent on Arab terrorism against Israeli civilians." … Continue reading “Terrorism Vs. Occupation”

The Empire Plans Strikes

The word this week is that the Bush administration is engaged in a large-scale review of current policies that could lead to a massive military campaign against Iraq. The administration plans to have the review completed in time for Vice President Dick Cheney to inform Arab leaders of American plans during his planned tour of … Continue reading “The Empire Plans Strikes”