Statement in Support of a Balanced Approach to the Middle East Peace Process

The following is Congressman Paul’s remarks against the pro-Israel resolution passed overwhelmingly on Friday by Congress. This legislation could not have come at a worse time in the ongoing Middle East crisis. Just when we have seen some positive signs that the two sides may return to negotiations toward a peaceful settlement, Congress has jumped … Continue reading “Statement in Support of a Balanced Approach to the Middle East Peace Process”

Global Interventionism: The Price We Pay

As Justin completes his upcoming book on Murray Rothbard, we present a Classic Raimondo piece from last year. July 28, 1999While the United States government is touting the so-called Clinton Doctrine, which projects American power all over the world in the name of “human rights,” the right of Americans to feel safe in their own … Continue reading “Global Interventionism: The Price We Pay”

Assassins of Liberty

National Review Online‘s Rod Dreher starts out his column on the meaning of the Fortuyn assassination with a caveat: "We will not be able to gauge the full impact of Pim Fortuyn’s murder on European politics until we know who killed him, and why." Well, I’ve settled the first question, thanks be to Google: the … Continue reading “Assassins of Liberty”

Convening Futility

The wags say that a second marriage represents the triumph of hope over experience (though I can attest that sometimes it works). So what would you call the umpteenth effort by outside powers to impose a settlement on the Israeli-Palestinian dispute through a combination of nice talk and veiled threats? Nonetheless, the administration says, the … Continue reading “Convening Futility”

Fortuyn’s Killer Identified

Editorial note: We don’t often give previews of Justin Raimondo’s column before it’s posted, but this one contains breaking news and so here is an excerpt: National Review Online’s Rod Dreher starts out his column on the meaning of the Fortuyn assassination with a caveat: "We will not be able to gauge the full impact … Continue reading “Fortuyn’s Killer Identified”

Long Live Libertarianism

Today’s Wall Street Journal [May 2] proclaims, with a flourish of editorial trumpets, "The Fall of the Libertarians." The cause of the movement’s alleged demise? 9/11. Oh yes, "everything’s changed" since that awful day, including the possibility of getting Big Government off our backs: "The great free-market revolution that began with the coming to power … Continue reading “Long Live Libertarianism”

Lessons of Forgotten Wars

This column has claimed before, not so long ago, that what happened in the Balkans had significant implications for events elsewhere in the world. From the International Criminal Court based on the Hague Inquisition, to advocates of overt imperialism emboldened by the "success" of Balkans interventions, waves generated by Yugoslavia’s violent implosion are reaching the … Continue reading “Lessons of Forgotten Wars”