Balkans ‘Success’ Stories

True Stories of ‘Failed States’So often is it necessary to describe and decry all the iniquities of Imperial occupation in the Balkans, it is easy to lose track of other reasons for which the peninsula is important. Advocates of Empire often justify their pronouncements by mentioning what they call “failed states.” Successors of the former … Continue reading “Balkans ‘Success’ Stories”

Eight Washington Lies About Iraq

ONE IRAQ WAS INVOLVED IN THE 9/11 ATTACK ON AMERICA OR IS CLOSE TO OBTAINING NUCLEAR WEAPONS. ANSWER: The War Party in Washington has mounted a vast campaign in conservative media to attack Iraq again. See Georgie Anne Geyer column on lobby in Anti-Arab Advocates Risk U.S. Interests. Saddam is an enemy of Islamic Fundamentalists. … Continue reading “Eight Washington Lies About Iraq”

Eight Washington Lies About Iraq

ONE IRAQ WAS INVOLVED IN THE 9/11 ATTACK ON AMERICA OR IS CLOSE TO OBTAINING NUCLEAR WEAPONS. ANSWER: The War Party in Washington has mounted a vast campaign in conservative media to attack Iraq again. See Georgie Anne Geyer column on lobby in Anti-Arab Advocates Risk U.S. Interests. Saddam is an enemy of Islamic Fundamentalists. … Continue reading “Eight Washington Lies About Iraq”

The Homeland Security Non-Debate

Late Friday evening, after only a few short hours of debate, Congress passed legislation creating a new Department of Homeland Security. The new department represents the biggest government reorganization since the creation of the Department of Defense in the 1940s, and potentially the single biggest expansion of the federal government in our history. Over 175,000 … Continue reading “The Homeland Security Non-Debate”


The idea that oil is key to understanding the administration’s actions in the “war on terrorism” is an article of faith on the Left. Not the social-democratic Clintonite left – which naturally wouldn’t be caught dead in the company of Noam Chomsky, Alex Cockburn, and Ted Rall – but the remnants of the Old Left … Continue reading “PALACE REVOLUTION”

The Uses and Abuses of a Reasonable Man

This agreeably short book received much uncritical praise from varieties of conservatives when first it was published in the United States. Its principal merit lay in the fact that it was taken to be another weapon with which the perpetrators of the 11th of September terrorism could be assailed. One might have thought that the … Continue reading “The Uses and Abuses of a Reasonable Man”

Constructive Dissent

In early 1945, Hiram Bingham faced a tough decision: he could follow his government’s orders to ignore the Nazi holocaust, thereby keeping his comfortable position as US vice-consul in Marseilles, or he could defy State Department policy by issuing life-saving US visas to French Jews and anti-Nazi activists. Bingham chose the latter, and as a … Continue reading “Constructive Dissent”

Constructive Dissent

In early 1945, Hiram Bingham faced a tough decision: he could follow his government’s orders to ignore the Nazi holocaust, thereby keeping his comfortable position as US vice-consul in Marseilles, or he could defy State Department policy by issuing life-saving US visas to French Jews and anti-Nazi activists. Bingham chose the latter, and as a … Continue reading “Constructive Dissent”

Department of Homeland Security – Who Needs It?

Everyone agrees the 9-11 tragedy confirmed a problem that exists in our domestic security and dramatized our vulnerability to outside attacks. Most agree that the existing bureaucracy was inept. The CIA, the FBI, the INS, and Customs failed to protect us. It was not a lack of information that caused this failure; they had plenty. … Continue reading “Department of Homeland Security – Who Needs It?”