Is Somalia a Model?

The conventional wisdom during periods of transition – or revolution if the term is appropriate, as may well be – is that the most important priority is to establish order. Disorder, on this understanding, is pretty close to the natural condition of man, especially in times of stress and uncertainty. So U.S. military people – … Continue reading “Is Somalia a Model?”

Keep the United Nations out of Iraq – and America

As the heaviest fighting in Iraq comes to a close, questions about what kind of government will be established dominate the news. Looting and lawlessness are the order of the day in the inevitable vacuum created by the removal of Saddam Hussein. Not surprisingly, the United Nations – at the urging of France, Germany, and … Continue reading “Keep the United Nations out of Iraq – and America”

Oh, Shi’ite!

Ah, the fruits of victory. Uncle Sam promised the Iraqis democracy, and now they actually want it – long enough to elect an ayatollah, anyway. The Iranians, far from being discouraged, now cast an acquisitive eye on their western suburbs. The liberated Kurds are busy emulating Saddam. Instead of becoming Amway salesmen, the Taliban have … Continue reading “Oh, Shi’ite!”

Santorum’s Sins

We’re all supposed to be oh-so-exercised over Senator Rick Santorum’s apparent distaste for homosexuality, but pardon me if I yawn. Who really cares – surely not a single self-respecting homo of my acquaintance – especially when, on another front, Santorum is spearheading the most direct assault on free thought since … oh, I don’t know. … Continue reading “Santorum’s Sins”

Dada Conservatives

Last week, in an essay titled "Iraq’s Cultural Catastrophe – and Ours," Christopher Deliso wrote, "Having almost no history of its own, America is ignorant, almost contemptuous of that of other peoples." While ignorance and envy certainly played a role in the destruction, larger motives were at work, motives that go to the heart of … Continue reading “Dada Conservatives”