A No-Winner

Up until Saturday our “embedded” media was projecting images of Iraqis dancing in the desert, delirious with joy at the arrival of their “liberators,” but by Sunday morning the edges were already beginning to fray around the official story of a near-seamless “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” The U.S. media kept showing feel-good agit-prop as long as … Continue reading “A No-Winner”

A Guest Column from National Review

[Editor’s note: Matt Barganier was too shocked and awed by events in Iraq to write this week’s column. In deference to the War Party’s superior gravitas, he decided to let some of his favorite militarists use the Collateral Damage space as a forum this morning. Unfortunately, CNBC’s Kudlow and Cramer were busy, so he had … Continue reading “A Guest Column from National Review

From the Front…of an Antiwar Rally

As Antiwar.com’s Student Coordinator, I have spent the last nine months helping students across the country find speakers and direct them to local activist events. When I receive emails that ask “What can I do?” I tend not to reply: “Run out in the streets and protest.” Rather, I first recommend a less vocal approach: … Continue reading “From the Front…of an Antiwar Rally”

Bluff and Bluster

The much-anticipated "shock and awe" strategy breathlessly awaited by our image-hungry media has somehow morphed into a war of bluff and bluster. Instead of launching an all-out military assault, the U.S. military strategy is, at least initially, a political assault by the U.S. on the Iraqi leadership. The first sign of military action was a … Continue reading “Bluff and Bluster”

The Arrogance of Power

I believe in this beautiful country. I have studied its roots and gloried in the wisdom of its magnificent Constitution. I have marveled at the wisdom of its founders and framers. Generation after generation of Americans has understood the lofty ideals that underlie our great Republic. I have been inspired by the story of their … Continue reading “The Arrogance of Power”

Support Our Boys in Uniform

Now that George Bush has quit pretending to weigh the pros and cons of war, and has issued an unacceptable ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, we can expect the war to begin before the week is out. Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman was first out of the box with the slogans of appeasement when he said, "It’s … Continue reading “Support Our Boys in Uniform”