The Donkey of the Messiah

It reminds one of Mark Twain’s oft quoted words: “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” By now this has become an intellectual fad. To advocate the two-state solution means that you are ancient, old-fashioned, stale, stodgy, a fossil from a bygone era. Hoisting the flag of the “one-state solution” means that you are … Continue reading “The Donkey of the Messiah”

Obama in Palestine: In Their Shoes

It started from the first moment. The President of the United States came to Ramallah. He visited the Mukata’a, the “compound” which serves as the office of the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. One cannot enter the Mukata’a without noticing the grave of Yasser Arafat, just a few paces from the entrance. It … Continue reading “Obama in Palestine: In Their Shoes”

After Bibi’s Apology, Reflect on the Idiocy of Attacking the Gaza Flotilla

So, finally our Prime Minister has apologized to Turkey for “operational mistakes” that “might have” led to the death of nine Turks during the attack on MV Mavi Marmara, the ship which tried to break the Israeli blockade on Gaza. It took him two years and ten months to do so. Hallelujah. But the real … Continue reading “After Bibi’s Apology, Reflect on the Idiocy of Attacking the Gaza Flotilla”

The Riddle of the Israel Lobby

One of the most interesting and prolonged private debates I have had in my life was with the brilliant Dr. Nahum Goldmann. The subject: American peace initiatives. It was an unequal debate, of course. Goldmann was my elder by 28 years. While I was a mere editor of an Israeli news magazine, he was an … Continue reading “The Riddle of the Israel Lobby”

The Sea and the River

“Palestine, from the Jordan to the Sea, belongs to us!” declared Khaled Meshal last week at the huge victory rally in Gaza. “Eretz Israel, from the sea to the Jordan, belongs to us!” declare right-wing Israelis on every occasion. The two statements seem to be the same, with only the name of the country changed. … Continue reading “The Sea and the River”

Cold Revenge

“Revenge is a dish that is best eaten cold” is a saying attributed to Stalin. I don’t know if he really said that. All the possible witnesses were executed long ago. Anyhow, a taste for delayed revenge is not an Israeli trait. Israelis are more impulsive. More immediate. They don’t plan. They improvise. In this … Continue reading “Cold Revenge”

The Strong and the Sweet in Palestine’s Successful UN Bid

It was a day of joy. Joy for the Palestinian people. Joy for all those who hope for peace between Israel and the Arab world. And, in a modest way, for me personally. The General Assembly of the United Nations, the highest world forum, has voted overwhelmingly for the recognition of the State of Palestine, … Continue reading “The Strong and the Sweet in Palestine’s Successful UN Bid”