Israeli and US aggression against Yemen is escalating. And Canada is participating in this effort to insulate Israel from pressure to stop killing Palestinians. In recent days Israel has launched multiple strikes on Yemen’s electricity, port and other infrastructure. On Thursday they bombed the Sana’a airport in a strike that nearly killed the director general … Continue reading “Why Does the Canadian Military Help Bomb Yemen?”
Yves Engler
Let’s Go Israel! Bomb Iran!
Canadian officials are encouraging Israeli violence in Iran. Once again, they are supporting the neoconservatives who view the genocide in Gaza, weakening of Hezbollah and Iran’s response to Israeli provocations as a bid to remake the Middle East just like in the build-up to the last US invasion of Iraq. As former Israeli prime minister … Continue reading “Let’s Go Israel! Bomb Iran!”
Canada Is Ending Jewish National Fund’s Charitable Status
Reprinted from Jacobin with the author’s permission. The recent revocation of the Jewish National Fund’s (JNF) charitable status may be the most important Palestine solidarity victory in Canadian history. The grassroots win is a boost to the global Stop the JNF campaign and efforts to disrupt Canadian charity assistance to Israel. On August 10, the … Continue reading “Canada Is Ending Jewish National Fund’s Charitable Status”
The True Purpose of NATO Remains US Hegemony
At the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, DC, last week China was a big part of the agenda. The NATO summit’s final declaration mentioned the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) 14 times. It noted that “the PRC continues to pose systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security” and China’s “stated ambitions and coercive … Continue reading “The True Purpose of NATO Remains US Hegemony”
Depleted Uranium Added to Toxic Mess in Ukraine
Following on from its decision to donate widely banned cluster munitions to Ukraine the US is sending armor-piercing depleted uranium (DU) munitions to fight Russia. Indifferent to the poisonous effect of these weapons, the Justin Trudeau government has remained mum on Washington’s escalatory move. Depleted uranium (DU) is a by-product from the production of fuel … Continue reading “Depleted Uranium Added to Toxic Mess in Ukraine”