The True Purpose of NATO Remains US Hegemony

At the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, DC, last week China was a big part of the agenda. The NATO summit’s final declaration mentioned the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) 14 times. It noted that “the PRC continues to pose systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security” and China’s “stated ambitions and coercive … Continue reading “The True Purpose of NATO Remains US Hegemony”

Depleted Uranium Added to Toxic Mess in Ukraine

Following on from its decision to donate widely banned cluster munitions to Ukraine the US is sending armor-piercing depleted uranium (DU) munitions to fight Russia. Indifferent to the poisonous effect of these weapons, the Justin Trudeau government has remained mum on Washington’s escalatory move. Depleted uranium (DU) is a by-product from the production of fuel … Continue reading “Depleted Uranium Added to Toxic Mess in Ukraine”

How Would Canadians Perceive Russian Troops On Their Border?

The Canadian government’s plan to double its semi-permanent military force on Russia’s border ratchets up tensions that should be reduced. It highlights the West’s betrayal of promises made to Soviet officials and Canada’s addiction to stationing troops in Europe. On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada will ramp up its military presence in … Continue reading “How Would Canadians Perceive Russian Troops On Their Border?”

Canada’s Only Answer in Ukraine: More Weapons, More War

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." ~ George Orwell The Canadian government recently expanded Operation Unifier. The military training mission has been an important element in an escalatory dynamic that needs to be reversed to end the horrors in Ukraine. Alongside a new donation of AIM-9 missiles and ammunition, … Continue reading “Canada’s Only Answer in Ukraine: More Weapons, More War”

Understanding the Logic of Canada Giving $2.26 Billion in Arms to Ukraine

Over the past year Ottawa has given Ukraine over $2 billion in weapons. The size of the arms donation is unprecedented in Canadian history. According to a February 17 Le Devoir calculation, Canada has delivered $2.26 billion in weapons to Ukraine. The paper costed 17 different announcements, which include 4 heavy tanks, 4,200 single-use rocket … Continue reading “Understanding the Logic of Canada Giving $2.26 Billion in Arms to Ukraine”

Ottawa Cheers Rather Than Mourns End of Japanese Pacifism

The Liberals are celebrating the demise of one of the more positive outcomes of WWII. And, in pushing conflict with China, they are ignoring Canada’s ignoble role in some horrible history. Last week Global Affairs’ principal Twitter account praised Japan for massively increasing its military spending. "Canada welcomes Japan’s new National Security Strategy and increased … Continue reading “Ottawa Cheers Rather Than Mourns End of Japanese Pacifism”

Who Is Pushing Canada To Go on War Footing?

Militarists, warmongers and arms dealers are riding a wave of momentum and they’re organizing to profit as much as possible. On Tuesday the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) hosted a conference titled "Putting Canadian Defence Procurement on a War Footing". The military put up $50,000 for the conference and likely spent tens of thousands of … Continue reading “Who Is Pushing Canada To Go on War Footing?”

Logic of Mutual Escalation Leads to Nuclear Apocalypse

Canada’s obsession with NATO is escalating the conflict in Ukraine and increasing the possibility of nuclear confrontation. During a press conference with her US counterpart last week foreign affairs minister Melanie Joly said Canada supported fast tracking Ukraine into NATO. If that transpired alliance members would be treaty bound to invoke Article 5 of the … Continue reading “Logic of Mutual Escalation Leads to Nuclear Apocalypse”

How Many Ukrainians Will Die Before Ottawa Seeks Peace?

By restarting Operation UNIFIER Canada is ramping up its war with Russia. The military training mission had been Ottawa’s principal contribution to a seven-year-old proxy war, which appears likely to continue for years. Last week Defence Minister Anita Anand announced that 225 Canadian troops would be dispatched to England to train Ukrainians. They will offer … Continue reading “How Many Ukrainians Will Die Before Ottawa Seeks Peace?”

Troops on the Ground Prove Canada Is at War With Russia

Canada is at war with Russia. But the government doesn’t want to talk about it. On Saturday the New York Times reported that Canadian special forces are part of a NATO network providing weapons and training to Ukrainian forces. The elite troops are also in the country gathering intelligence on Russian operations. The Department of … Continue reading “Troops on the Ground Prove Canada Is at War With Russia”