Big Three Block Iran Attack

The United States is in a huge foreign policy muddle in the Middle East. It wants to dominate and control Iran, but it requires the support of the world community to accomplish its aims. Diplomacy and sanctions require only a low level of support. On the other hand, to launch a military attack or green-light … Continue reading “Big Three Block Iran Attack”

The Iranian Chess Game Continues

Diplomacy between Iran and the United States has entered the opening gambit stage, and Iran appears to be winning at this point. The game began on July 19, when Iranian nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili met with European negotiators with an American diplomat, Undersecretary of State William J. Burns, present for the first time at such … Continue reading “The Iranian Chess Game Continues”

Playing Games With Iran

By now the structure of the U.S. game with Iran is clear. In the first move, the United States and Iran make some small progress toward improved relations. In the counter move, hardliners in the United States and Israel launch attacks against Iran in order to sabotage these improving relations. In the latest iteration of … Continue reading “Playing Games With Iran”