Israel’s Genocide, US Assistance, and Consequences Thereof

South Africa has now presented its charge of Israeli genocide in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and Israel has presented its rebuttal. Regardless of the ultimate judgment, a page has been turned. Israel’s actions in Gaza, assisted by the US, have changed the geopolitical landscape. The consequences stand to be dire and lasting. The … Continue reading “Israel’s Genocide, US Assistance, and Consequences Thereof”

Ukraine: What Will Be Done and What Should Be Done?

Reprinted with permission from Economics for Democratic and Open Societies. The inevitable has happened. Russia has invaded Ukraine. It was inevitable because the US and its NATO partners had backed Russia into a corner from which it could only escape by military means. In effect, Russia confronted a future in which the US would increasingly … Continue reading “Ukraine: What Will Be Done and What Should Be Done?”

The US and Russia: Beware of Neocons and Liberals Preaching Democracy Promotion

Reprinted with permission from Economics for Democratic and Open Societies. Every week my e-mail box receives a steady stream of articles aimed at cultivating public animus to Russia. The articles are always wrapped in a narrative in which Russia is a threat to democracy in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere. The effect is to create … Continue reading “The US and Russia: Beware of Neocons and Liberals Preaching Democracy Promotion”