Breaking: Forced Takeover of Catalan Government Institutions by Spanish Police Ahead of Oct. 1 Vote

I just got of the phone with Josep Maria Sole Sabaté, my friend and a leading Catalan historian and public intellectual. He was nothing short of breathless as he described the helicopters flying overhead stated flatly that he was in the the midst of a coup being carried out by the Spanish State. He wanted … Continue reading “Breaking: Forced Takeover of Catalan Government Institutions by Spanish Police Ahead of Oct. 1 Vote”

NPR Publishes an Annotated Version of Trump’s Inaugural Speech

Working in what I presume they see as the interest of factual accuracy, NPR has published an annotated version of Trump’s inaugural speech. In theory, this is probably a good idea. My problem with it lies in the network’s clearly selective use of this practice. They did not, to my knowledge, ever do anything of … Continue reading “NPR Publishes an Annotated Version of Trump’s Inaugural Speech”

At War With Islamic Extremism?

Imagine going to your doctor and being told that, based on an initial examination, you may very well have a serious and fast-moving form of cancer, and then being a handed a referral to see a heart specialist first thing the next morning. I think you’d agree that a doctor acting in this way is … Continue reading “At War With Islamic Extremism?”

US Caught Faking It in Syria

The great danger of faking your ability to do something in the public square is that someone with an actual desire to the job you are pretending to do might come along and show you up.  This is what has just happened to the US in Syria with the entrance of Russia into the fight against … Continue reading “US Caught Faking It in Syria”

Another US ‘Success Story’: The Creation and Abandonment of Kosovo

Kosovo is falling apart at the seams, with it thousands of its citizens seeking desperately to escape life there by any means possible. Haven’t heard about that one? Perhaps that’s because the U.S. is almost wholly responsible for creating an independent Kosovo, and from there, the brutal and corrupt power structure that lords cruelly over … Continue reading “Another US ‘Success Story’: The Creation and Abandonment of Kosovo”

Full Spectrum Dominance, the European Press and the Impending Demise of the EU

Last Saturday, Angela Merkel went to Kiev to pledge increased financial and political support for the coup-installed regime’s war against separatist forces in the eastern and largely Russian-speaking part of Ukraine. Seldom in recent history – and that is saying a lot – have we witnessed a more transparently stupid, and in the final analysis, … Continue reading “Full Spectrum Dominance, the European Press and the Impending Demise of the EU”

Israel Has Been ‘Singled Out’ in the US for a Very Long Time

As has been widely reported, the American Studies Association, the umbrella organization of academics devoted to the study of US literature, history and culture, recently voted to join the movement to boycott Israeli academic institutions. In the days since that historic vote, numerous high-profile US supporters of the Jewish state have vehemently decried the scholarly … Continue reading “Israel Has Been ‘Singled Out’ in the US for a Very Long Time”

More Intellectual Dishonesty at The New York Times

In an article in Sunday’s New York Times co-signed by Isabel Kershner and Ethan Bronner, the readers of the “Paper of Record” were informed that “Israelis are turning inward and discovering that an issue they had neglected — the place of the ultra-Orthodox Jews — has erupted into a crisis.” So the Israelis have suddenly … Continue reading “More Intellectual Dishonesty at The New York Times

Language and American Perceptions of the World

Imagine for a moment that you were preparing for a fact-finding trip to a foreign country and that you had to choose between background reports produced by two competing informants. The first is by a person who has visited the place on a number of occasions in controlled situations (planned group visits, study tours, and … Continue reading “Language and American Perceptions of the World”

Not So Different After All?

On more than a few occasions in the last decade, I have been the recipient of lectures—almost always by people with no discernible hands-on experience with foreign cultures in general, nor the Arab world in particular—about just how different and unlike us “those Arab people” in the Mideast really are. “You know, for them, life … Continue reading “Not So Different After All?”