Is a THAAD for Israel Worth a War With Iran?

On October 1, Iran launched around 180 missiles, of various types, against Israel. Israel promised a response that “will be lethal, precise and above all, surprising.” On October 23, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant said that “after we attack Iran, everyone will understand [the Israeli military’s] might.” The U.S. has promised ironclad support for Israel against … Continue reading “Is a THAAD for Israel Worth a War With Iran?”

The Nukes or NATO: The Hidden Threat Behind Zelensky’s Victory Plan

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been on a tour of the capitals of Europe promoting his Ukrainian Victory Plan. It is apt that he has billed it a victory plan and not a peace plan because there is nothing of peace in it. The plan aims to strengthen Ukraine militarily so that Russia is forced … Continue reading “The Nukes or NATO: The Hidden Threat Behind Zelensky’s Victory Plan”

Ukraine Could Lose Territory and Its Dream of NATO

Publicly, Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, continues to insist that Ukraine will not cede any of its territory to Russia. But, privately, in Kiev, Washington and some European capitals, the realization is firming up that the war will end at the negotiating table, and it will end without Ukraine recapturing its lost territory. Officials “close to … Continue reading “Ukraine Could Lose Territory and Its Dream of NATO”

Kamala Harris Isn’t Listening to U.S. Intelligence on Iran

Who is “America’s greatest adversary?” That is the question 60 Minutes asked Vice President Kamala Harris. “I think there’s an obvious one in mind, which is Iran,” was her answer. She gave two reasons for her verdict: “Iran has American blood on their hands” and “what we need to do to ensure that Iran never … Continue reading “Kamala Harris Isn’t Listening to U.S. Intelligence on Iran”

Orwell’s War: When War is the Path to Peace

The freshly elected President Barack Obama probably never imagined that he would be delivering his Nobel Peace Prize lecture by defending war. But there he was, in December 2009, doing just that. “I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated,” he said. “[P]erhaps the most … Continue reading “Orwell’s War: When War is the Path to Peace”

Ukraine Should Rush Back to Istanbul

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s “Ukrainian Victory Plan” has received, not unexpectedly, a very tepid reception in Washington. Biden administration officials seem to have received it as less of a “comprehensive strategy” and more of a “repackaged request” for Zelensky’s wish list of weapons and lifting of restrictions on their use. The plan has, reportedly, “dispirited … Continue reading “Ukraine Should Rush Back to Istanbul”

Do Not Risk Calling Putin’s Bluff

As Russia continues its advance west toward the key logistical city of Pokrovsk, whose fall would threaten Ukraine’s ability to supply its troops in the Donbas and expose fields to the west of the city over which Russian troops can pour into the rest of Donbas, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demands daily that the West … Continue reading “Do Not Risk Calling Putin’s Bluff”

The Most Important Issue at the UN This Week

As the nations of the world meet in New York this week for the high-level week of the 79th session of the General Assembly, many important global issues will be debated and addressed. But the most important issue will be discussed, not in the General Assembly Hall, but on the sidelines. That is where Ukrainian … Continue reading “The Most Important Issue at the UN This Week”