NATO’s Undeniably Corrupt Ukrainian Client

When Russian forces expanded their military presence in Ukraine in February 2022, U.S. officials and most of the Western news media portrayed the development as a brazen act of aggression by a dictatorship against a peaceful democracy.  The reality was much more complex.  Ukraine had allowed itself to become NATO’s pawn in Russia’s security zone.  … Continue reading “NATO’s Undeniably Corrupt Ukrainian Client”

Refusing To Admit US Foreign Policy Blunders

A recurring defect in US foreign policy is a refusal by elites to concede when they made a serious policy mistake.  This is not a new problem, but it has grown decidedly worse in the past few decades.  It characterized the intervention in Vietnam years after it should have become evident that Washington’s approach was … Continue reading “Refusing To Admit US Foreign Policy Blunders”

Washington’s Continuing Contempt for Its Iraqi ‘Ally’

When Barack Obama implemented George W. Bush’s agreement to withdraw all U.S. military forces from Iraq by the end of 2011, most Americans likely concluded that Washington’s disastrous intervention had come to an end.  However, the administration reintroduced combat forces to Iraq and sent troops to Syria when ISIS launched its military offensive in 2013-2014 … Continue reading “Washington’s Continuing Contempt for Its Iraqi ‘Ally’”

The Foreign Policy Blob’s Desperate Attempt To Preserve NATO

There are multiple indications that members of the foreign policy establishment are increasingly worried that the American people are growing weary of Washington’s strategic overextension and the excessive costs in treasure and blood that role imposes.  Elites show their nervousness through desperate attempts to preserve the policy status quo.  One recent example was the effort … Continue reading “The Foreign Policy Blob’s Desperate Attempt To Preserve NATO”

My Own Brush with Death Has Intensified My Opposition to U.S. Imperialism

Many readers of have wondered why they have seen no new articles from me in more than 6 weeks.  The answer is that I was battling heart and other health issues that nearly took my life.  At one point, my principal cardiologist told my wife that I was unlikely to make it out of … Continue reading “My Own Brush with Death Has Intensified My Opposition to U.S. Imperialism”

Some Alleged Restrainers Are Just Selective Ultra-Hawks

Advocates of a less interventionist U.S. foreign policy are understandably eager to identify and work with potential political and ideological allies.  That desire causes them to reach out to promising prospects among both liberals and conservatives under the more general banner of foreign policy “restrainers.”  In some cases, the outreach has achieved significant results.  Analysts … Continue reading “Some Alleged Restrainers Are Just Selective Ultra-Hawks”

Biden Revives Axis of Evil Propaganda Ploy

Joe Biden’s approach to international issues increasingly resembles George W. Bush’s disastrous foreign policy.  One key tendency in common is that both men view complex world affairs in dangerously simplistic terms as an existential struggle between good and evil.  In Bush’s case, the bitter fruit of that perspective became apparent with the seemingly endless armed … Continue reading “Biden Revives Axis of Evil Propaganda Ploy”

On Ethnic Cleansing, Washington DC Has Always Been the Hypocrite

Reprinted from The Libertarian Institute. U.S. administrations have repeatedly condemned foreign adversaries for engaging in ethnic cleansing of minority populations. That has been an explicit grievance against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) because of Beijing’s treatment of its Uygur population in Xinjiang province, and against Syria and Iran because of their conduct toward Kurdish … Continue reading “On Ethnic Cleansing, Washington DC Has Always Been the Hypocrite”

Credulous or Dishonest Journalists Regurgitate Pro-War Propaganda

It is a sad reality that the establishment news media’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas fighting may be even more shallow, biased, and hawkish than the coverage of the Russia-Ukraine war or previous international conflicts.  The willingness of most prominent news outlets to serve as little more than conduits for pro-war propaganda is not really a … Continue reading “Credulous or Dishonest Journalists Regurgitate Pro-War Propaganda”

Hawks Are Using Gaza Violence as a Pretext for War with Iran

The response in the United States to the surge of violence between Palestinians and Israelis holds no surprises whatsoever.  The usual bipartisan contingent of pro-war figures in the political arena, the policy community, and the corporate news media presented a predictable narrative from the outset that quickly became dominant.  Proponents parroted familiar clichés that portrayed … Continue reading “Hawks Are Using Gaza Violence as a Pretext for War with Iran”