Palestine: Elections Without Democracy

During the 1970s, the apartheid government of South Africa sought to bolster its claims to legitimacy by allowing elections in the bantustans – the equivalent to today’s walled-in Palestinian communities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The thought was that if people elected local officials, even to hold largely ceremonial offices, then the … Continue reading “Palestine: Elections Without Democracy”

Occupation Begins To Crack

To date, 272 officers and soldiers of the Israeli army have signed the initiative to refuse to serve the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinians, while thousands of other Israeli citizens have expressed their support. Those that have signed are not pacifists nor are they particularly radical. They are well- trained combat officers and soldiers who … Continue reading “Occupation Begins To Crack”

Are Palestinians Human?

As Israeli warplanes pounded Palestinian cities, Israel’s media spin-doctor, Benjamin Netanyahu, was being interviewed on the Fox News Channel where he likened Arafat to Osama bin Laden and accused him of having "suicide kindergarten camps for kids to prepare the next generation of suicide bombers" (Dec. 3, 2001). It is exactly this type of hogwash … Continue reading “Are Palestinians Human?”