ElBaradei Isn’t Perfect

In October, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that the Peace Prize for 2005 was to be shared, in two equal parts, between the International Atomic Energy Agency and its director-general, Mohamed ElBaradei, “for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is … Continue reading “ElBaradei Isn’t Perfect”

Lump of Coal for Condi

If Santa has been keeping a list, Secretary of State Condi Rice will be lucky to find even a lump of coal in her Christmas stocking. Where on the list to begin? On the Korean peninsula, where the South Korean National Security Council rebuffed Washington’s contingency plan for taking military action against North Korea in … Continue reading “Lump of Coal for Condi”

Those Crazy Mullahs

According to the highly influential “experts” at the Heritage Foundation – who have apparently never bothered to read the Iranian Note Verbale [.pdf] to the International Atomic Energy Agency of Aug. 1, 2005 – “Iran remains a dangerous revolutionary power determined to acquire nuclear weapons. No policy short of war is guaranteed to halt the … Continue reading “Those Crazy Mullahs”

Nuclear Threats, Real and Imagined

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States – which was required, inter alia, to recommend actions the federal government should take to prevent future attacks – issued its final report 18 months ago. Its members have now issued an ad hoc “report card” [.pdf] on the actions thus far taken on the … Continue reading “Nuclear Threats, Real and Imagined”

Referring Nuke-Threats to Security Council

Last month the New York Times reported that unnamed senior “intelligence officials” had told them that – as part of a campaign to increase international pressure on Iran – they had “briefed” International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed El-Baradei and senior staff in mid-July on some of the sensitive “intelligence” they had gleaned from a … Continue reading “Referring Nuke-Threats to Security Council”

Total Transparency

The November report [.pdf] of Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency begins by noting that the Board had adopted a resolution in September in which, inter alia, it “urged” the Islamic Republic of Iran to implement “transparency measures” that extend beyond the formal requirements of the Iranian … Continue reading “Total Transparency”

Neo-Crazies Already Planning Beyond Iran

Maybe you thought that when President Bush declared war on terror it was just a euphemism. Wrong! By that declaration, Bush made himself commander in chief of our armed forces, which he is – under the Constitution – only "in time of war." Once proclaimed, our commander in chief immediately called to active duty the … Continue reading “Neo-Crazies Already Planning Beyond Iran”

Dirty Bomb Redux

On June 10, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft called a press conference in Moscow to announce that Abdullah al-Muhajir – AKA Jose Padilla – had been arrested more than a month earlier at O’Hare International Airport by the FBI on a "material witness" warrant. Quoth Ashcroft: "I am pleased to announce today a significant step … Continue reading “Dirty Bomb Redux”

Iran Has Nuke Warheads! Not

A year ago, Colin Powell – then secretary of state – told reporters about new, scary intelligence on Iran. Something about Iran having a "nuke-capable" ballistic missile that could threaten "our allies." Several "U.S. officials" immediately said Powell shouldn’t have said anything; the intelligence was too sensitive. The New York Times reported last week that … Continue reading “Iran Has Nuke Warheads! Not”