Congress Racing to Spend
$1 Trillion on Iraq

Two weeks ago I discussed how Congress and the administration use our fiat money system to literally create some of the funds needed to prosecute our ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve already spent more than $500 billion in Iraq, mostly through supplemental spending bills that are not part of the normal appropriations and … Continue reading “Congress Racing to Spend
$1 Trillion on Iraq”

Support the Troops by Ending the War

I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes, however, we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our armed forces. This is pure demagoguery, and it’s intellectually dishonest. The accusers play on emotions to gain support for controversial policies, implying that those … Continue reading “Support the Troops by Ending the War”

Inflation: The Hidden
Cost of War

The Pentagon recently reported that it now spends roughly $8.4 billion per month waging the war in Iraq, while the additional cost of our engagement in Afghanistan brings the monthly total to a staggering $10 billion. Since 2001, Congress has spent more than $500 billion on specific appropriations for Iraq. This sum is not reflected … Continue reading “Inflation: The Hidden
Cost of War”

The Fatal Conceit
in the Middle East

Former President Carter’s new book about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has raised the ire of Americans on two sides of the debate. I say “two sides” rather than “both sides,” because there is another perspective that is never discussed in American politics. That perspective is the perspective of our Founding Fathers, namely … Continue reading “The Fatal Conceit
in the Middle East”

The Irrelevance of
Military Victory

A military victory in Iraq is unattainable, just as it was in the Vietnam War. At the close of the Vietnam War in 1975, a telling conversation took place between an NVA colonel named Tu and an American colonel named Harry Summers. Col. Summers reportedly said, “You never beat us on the battlefield.” Tu replied, … Continue reading “The Irrelevance of
Military Victory”

On the Mideast Escalator

While the president’s announcement that an additional 20,000 troops would be sent to Iraq dominated the headlines last week, the real story was the president’s sharp rhetoric toward Iran and Syria. And recent moves by the administration only serve to confirm the likelihood of a wider conflict in the Middle East. The president stated last … Continue reading “On the Mideast Escalator”

Saddam Is Dead – So Are 3,000 Americans

  Watch Ron Paul’s speech on video.     Saddam Hussein is dead. So are three thousand Americans. The regime in Iraq has been changed. Yet victory will not be declared: not only does the war go on, it’s about to escalate. Obviously the turmoil in Iraq is worse than ever, and most Americans no … Continue reading “Saddam Is Dead – So Are 3,000 Americans”

2007 Promises More of the Same

This Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. In Iraq, however, war rages on with no end in sight. The midterm congressional elections are over, and the Iraq Study Group report is complete. Many Americans are unhappy about the war and want a change in policy. But what we are … Continue reading “2007 Promises More of the Same”

America’s Original
Foreign Policy

“It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world.“ – George Washington Last week, I wrote about the critical need for Congress to reassert its authority over foreign policy, and for the American people to recognize that the Constitution makes no distinction between domestic and foreign … Continue reading “America’s Original
Foreign Policy”

Who Makes Foreign Policy?

The Iraq Study Group released its report [.pdf] last week, giving the president several recommendations to consider in prosecuting the war. Similarly, the incoming Democratic leaders in Congress promise to urge the president to take a new course in Iraq. Meanwhile, one newly elected member of Congress was asked on national television about the Iraq … Continue reading “Who Makes Foreign Policy?”