Major stories on Abu Musab al-Zarqawi since 2004, from the archives of "Avoiding Attacking Suspected Terrorist Mastermind," Jim Miklaszewski, NBC News, March 2, 2004 The generals wanted to kill Zarqawi before the war. The administration said no. "Experts Dispute Bush Line on Zarqawi," Chris Shumway,, July 16, 2004 Debunks the idea that Zarqawi …
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KABUL – A sudden upsurge in Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan has seen casualties mount daily among combatants and the civilian population. The rebels, who were ousted from power by U.S.-led coalition forces in late 2001, have regrouped in the southern provinces to ambush and strike government and military targets nearly every day. Caught in the …
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KABUL – Almost daily armed attacks on government officials by the Taliban may have prompted President Hamid Karzai to renew his amnesty offer to supporters of the ousted Afghan regime. Karzai recently urged the Taliban to give up the violence and join in the efforts to reconstruct the country. Almost four decades of war and …
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KABUL – Agitated poppy farmers in western Herat province say they will not destroy their crops unless the Afghan government provides them with alternative sources of income. "I will not stop growing poppy despite the ban by the government because I’ve no other source of livelihood," asserted Ghulam Sakhi, 45, from the Nahr-i-Farhad area of …
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Last week, Republican Congressmen Ron Paul (Texas), Walter Jones (N.C.), and Wayne Gilchrest (Md.) declared their support for a bipartisan resolution demanding the full House debate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. The resolution’s sponsor, Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii), joined his colleagues to explain the purpose and status of House Joint Resolution 55. To watch a video …
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Iraq Endgame”
More Photos Surface (updated June 11) (Warning: Graphic Photos Below) The Washington Post has released new photos along with new information about the use of dogs on prisoners. An unmuzzled dog appears to be used to frighten a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Two military dog handlers told investigators that intelligence personnel ordered …
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New Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos released February 15, 2006 by Australia’s Special Broadcasting Service TV CLICK ON IMAGE FOR BIGGER PICTURE earlier Abu Ghraib photos
Fort Benning, GA – Army National Guard Specialist Katherine Jashinski, on active duty with the 111th ASG since January of this year, will make a public statement Thursday against war as a conscientious objector in the face of orders to participate in weapons training and deploy to the Middle East. She will be joined by …
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by Carlo Bonnini e Giuseppe D’Avanzo of La Repubblica [translated at the request of by Azzurra Crispino] Anything found in [ ] are translator’s notes and not originally in the article. For Nicolò Pollari, director of SISMI [sic Military Intelligence Agency of Italy] the rules of his job are non-negotiable. He tells La Repubblica: …
Continue reading “Yellowcake Dossier Not the Work of the CIA”
As readers found out on Wednesday, prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald’s investigation into the Plame leak case has broadened to include a probe into the catalyzing event that set off the “outing” of CIA agent Valerie Plame to begin with: the Niger uranium forgeries. These documents, which purported to show that the Iraqis were trying …
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