Anti-war Is Pro-American

Thomas Jefferson declared the American way of interacting with the world to be "peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none." However, over the course of at least the past seven decades, the US government has turned this admonition on its head. Peace? The US government has waged wars of … Continue reading “Anti-war Is Pro-American”

Blood, Treasure, and Soul: The Exorbitant Price of the American Empire

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when it happened, but clear evidence can be seen at least in the aftermath of World War II. Some trace the origins back to 1898 and the Spanish-American War, or even earlier to the War of 1812. And still others would say that imperial ambitions were even on the … Continue reading “Blood, Treasure, and Soul: The Exorbitant Price of the American Empire”