EXTRA! Read all about it in the Washington Post: Torture worked; Cheney and torture practitioners vindicated; morale at CIA harmed. It seems coverage of the Bush administration’s "war on terror" has been put back on track by the editors of the Washington Post and their "sources," who appear determined to highlight the supposed successes of …
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Ray McGovern on Tenet and Rummy in a Supermax
Ray McGovern on the ‘privatized’ CIA
Taking Bush down with him, says Ray McGovern
Ray McGovern on religious statism
Ray McGovern on fudging the intel
Could the ex-VP be in trouble, wonders Ray McGovern
Ray McGovern wonders if Bush will be punished
What’s the difference between murder and massacre? The answer is Terry Halbardier, whose bravery and ingenuity as a 23-year-old Navy seaman spelled the difference between the murder of 34 of the USS Liberty crew and the intended massacre of all 294. The date was June 8, 1967; for the families of the 34 murdered and …
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Watching retired Gen. Colin Powell cite Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan during Sunday’s Memorial Day ceremonies on the Mall in Washington, it struck me that Powell was giving hypocrisy a bad name. Those familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan and the underreported behavior of Gen. Powell, resurgent star of the Fawning Corporate …
Continue reading “Colin Powell: No Good Samaritan”