Deluge in Serbia and Bosnia

On May 13, an unusual weather pattern began hovering over the Balkans, dumping unprecedented amounts of rain on Bosnia, Serbia, and parts of Croatia. Satellite imagery showed a full-blown tropical cyclone, which the weather-watchers dubbed "Tamara." By May 16, the rains had stopped – and the flooding began. The rains and the flooding were without … Continue reading “Deluge in Serbia and Bosnia”


On Wednesday, March 26, Barack Obama gave an impassioned speech at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, condemning Russia’s "assault" on Ukraine and extolling the virtues of the Atlantic Empire. Eleven years since his predecessor’s invasion of Iraq, fifteen years since the U.S-led NATO aggression in Serbia, Mr. Obama tried to lecture Moscow about "the … Continue reading “Unforgiven”

Ukraine, Bosnia on Pyres of Empire

If one is to believe the folks calling themselves modern-day Vikings, the Norse apocalypse starts tomorrow. Ragnarok, the "Twilight of the Gods," was described in a 13th-century poem as the end of Asgard and a new beginning for the world. How has Hollywood not been all over this? Though the prospect of some divine apocalypse … Continue reading “Ukraine, Bosnia on Pyres of Empire”