Whose Victory?

Bin Laden and the Empire Emperor Obama announced on Sunday, May 1, that Osama bin Laden was dead, killed by SEAL commandos during a raid in Pakistan. Jubilant crowds gathered in New York and D.C., in an unseemly display resembling a soccer riot. Darkly amusing gaffes in coverage, with many proclaiming Obama dead, illustrated the … Continue reading “Whose Victory?”


In the early morning of April 6, 1941, Axis armies began their Balkans campaign. Originally aimed only at Greece, the operation was officially expanded a week earlier to include the kingdom of Yugoslavia. By the end of April, all of the Balkans was in Axis hands. Hitler’s official excuse was that the British had landed in Greece, … Continue reading “1941”

Damage Control in the Balkans

In March 2004, tens of thousands of Albanians rampaged across Kosovo, the occupied Serbian province then still nominally under UN and NATO authority. After three days of murder, arson, pillage, and ethnic cleansing, the 1999 myth of the noble "Kosovar" victims looked to be in tatters. Within weeks, however, the media machine was in overdrive and working … Continue reading “Damage Control in the Balkans”