Iran’s Not the Aggressor – The US Is

It’s easy to be confused about what’s happening between the U.S. and Iran. On July 10, President Trump again accused Iran of violating the Obama-era nuclear deal, in a tweet that he concluded by promising to increase US sanctions “substantially.” Similarly, headlines – such as a recent New York Times article that originally proclaimed, “With … Continue reading “Iran’s Not the Aggressor – The US Is”

The US Isn’t Just Backing the Yemen War – It’s Helping Trap Those Forced To Flee

By now, the images are infamous: stunned, bloodied Yemeni children arriving at the hospital after their summer camp bus was bombed by Saudi aircraft. The United States is deeply implicated in that August 9 attack, which killed 54 people – most of them children Fragments from the bomb bear the labels of U.S. weapons manufacturers. … Continue reading “The US Isn’t Just Backing the Yemen War – It’s Helping Trap Those Forced To Flee”