It’s Time To Close Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

Amnesty international has called the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp the “gulag of our time.”  Since President Obama’s order to close the camp within one year on January 23, 2009, it has remained open because the president decided to amass political capital to use for his domestic agenda instead.  On January 7, 2011, Obama signed the … Continue reading “It’s Time To Close Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp”

Obama’s Russian Roulette

I probably know more about Russia than most Americans.  I have had the pleasure of visiting the “evil empire” on many occasions, since I am married to a Russian national.  The effect of the current international sanctions have been a blessing in disguise for me, because my U.S. dollar has more than double the spending … Continue reading “Obama’s Russian Roulette”