Saddam Was Already Irrelevant

Seeing a captive, disheveled Saddam on television this morning released a cascade of memories for me. I remembered the innocent Jews brutally hung in downtown Baghdad when the Baath came to power in 1968; the fencing with the Shah and the Kurds in the early 1970s; the vicious repression of the Shiites of East Baghdad, … Continue reading “Saddam Was Already Irrelevant”

Max Boot Is Out of This World

Far rightwing journalist and resurgent imperialist Max Boot has come back from Iraq and pronounced the US venture there a resounding success. Of imperialism he said, "No need to run away from the label America’s destiny is to police the world." This gonzo style, borrowed on the sly from Ariel Sharon and falsely attributed to … Continue reading “Max Boot Is Out of This World”

Max Boot Is Out of This World

Far rightwing journalist and resurgent imperialist Max Boot has come back from Iraq and pronounced the US venture there a resounding success. Of imperialism he said, "No need to run away from the label America’s destiny is to police the world." This gonzo style, borrowed on the sly from Ariel Sharon and falsely attributed to … Continue reading “Max Boot Is Out of This World”