The Pentagon, Libya, and Tomorrow’s Blowback Today

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Be careful what you wish for. In 2011, a Libyan rebellion began against autocrat Muammar Gaddafi. It undoubtedly reflected the wish of many Libyans for a new world of their own without his heavy hand or that of his secret police and secret prisons. Wishing to be rid of a ruler … Continue reading “The Pentagon, Libya, and Tomorrow’s Blowback Today”

AFRICOM Becomes a ‘War-Fighting Combatant Command’

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Let me explain why writing the introduction to today’s post by TomDispatch Managing Editor Nick Turse is such a problem. In these intros, I tend to riff off the ripples of news that regularly surround whatever subject an author might be focusing on. So when it comes to the U.S. military, … Continue reading “AFRICOM Becomes a ‘War-Fighting Combatant Command’”

No-Fly-List America

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Here’s what the president said back in June 2013, while reassuring the American people about the National Security Agency’s collection of their phone metadata: “When it comes to telephone calls, nobody is listening to your telephone calls. That’s not what this program’s about. As was indicated, what the intelligence community is … Continue reading “No-Fly-List America”

Hijacking the American Plane of State

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Isn’t there something strangely reassuring when your eyeballs are gripped by a “mystery” on the news that has no greater meaning and yet sweeps all else away? This, of course, is the essence of the ongoing tale of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Except to the relatives of those … Continue reading “Hijacking the American Plane of State”

Jonathan Schell and the Fate of the Earth

Originally posted at TomDispatch. "Up to a few months ago, Ben Suc was a prosperous village of some thirty-five hundred people." That is the initial line of The Village of Ben Suc, his first book, a copy of which I recently reread on a plane trip, knowing that he was soon to die. That book, … Continue reading “Jonathan Schell and the Fate of the Earth”

America’s Non-Stop Ops in Africa

Originally posted at TomDispatch. After years in the shadows, U.S. Navy SEALs emerged in a big way with the 2011 night raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Afterward, they were lauded in print as supermen, feted by the president, and praised by the first lady. Soon, some of the country’s most secretive and elite special … Continue reading “America’s Non-Stop Ops in Africa”

American Proxy Wars in Africa

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Our major post-9/11 wars are goners and the imagery of American war-making is heading downhill. The Iraq War was long ago left in the trash heap of history, while in Afghanistan the talk is now about “the zero option” – that is, about an irritated Obama administration making a lock, stock, … Continue reading “American Proxy Wars in Africa”

The Pentagon’s Phony Budget War

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Washington and Kabul have, for endless months, been performing a strange pas de deux over the issue of American withdrawal. Initially, the Obama administration insisted that if, by December 31, 2013, Afghan President Hamid Karzai didn’t sign a bilateral security agreement the two sides had negotiated, the U.S. would have to … Continue reading “The Pentagon’s Phony Budget War”

The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers

Who can keep up? The revelations – mainly thanks to the documents Edward Snowden took from the National Security Agency – are never-ending. Just this week, we learned that GCHQ, the British intelligence agency whose activities are interwoven with the NSA’s, used a program called Optic Nerve to intercept and store “the webcam images of … Continue reading “The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers”

A New World Order?

Originally posted at TomDispatch. There is, it seems, something new under the sun. Geopolitically speaking, when it comes to war and the imperial principle, we may be in uncharted territory. Take a look around and you’ll see a world at the boiling point. From Ukraine to Syria, South Sudan to Thailand, Libya to Bosnia, Turkey … Continue reading “A New World Order?”