There may be nothing crasser than a politician seeking reelection. Nevertheless, President Joe Biden has set a new low. He chose to leave thousands of U.S. military personnel needlessly scattered about the Middle East under regular attack from multiple militant groups. After three Americans were killed, he flew to Wilmington, Delaware, and used the dead … Continue reading “Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths”
Doug Bandow
How Will America’s Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?
Originally appeared at the American Institute for Economic Research. During the Cold War Republicans took the lead in pushing for ever-increasing military outlays. Pushing expenditures upward was one of President Ronald Reagan’s priorities and led to constant battles with the Democratic House. Today, however, GOP members are pushing on an open door. Last year Congress … Continue reading “How Will America’s Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?”