Military Bases Never Go Unused

If, like me, you have the unfortunate habit of pointing out the dishonesty of the cases made for various wars, and you begin to persuade people that the wars are not actually for the eradication of the weapons of mass destruction that they proliferate, or the elimination of the terrorists that they generate, or the … Continue reading “Military Bases Never Go Unused”

Top Poisoner of Pacific Is US Military

“We’re number one!” The United States famously fails to actually lead the world in anything desirable, but it does lead the world in many things, and one of them turns out to be the poisoning of the Pacific and its islands. And by the United States, I mean the United States military. A new book … Continue reading “Top Poisoner of Pacific Is US Military”

The Latest War-Is-Good-for-You Book

The New York Times loves the latest war-is-good-for-you book, War: How Conflict Shaped Us by Margaret MacMillan. The book fits into the growing and exclusively U.S. genre that includes Ian Morris’s War: What Is It Good For? Conflict and Progress of Civilization from Primates to Robots (Morris came to the US from the U.K. decades … Continue reading “The Latest War-Is-Good-for-You Book”

WWII Was Not Fought To Save Anyone From Death Camps

If you were to listen to people justifying WWII today, and using WWII to justify the subsequent 75 years of wars and war preparations, the first thing you would expect to find in reading about what WWII actually was would be a war motivated by the need to save Jews from mass murder. There would … Continue reading “WWII Was Not Fought To Save Anyone From Death Camps”

Pinkerism and Militarism Walk Into a Room

Charles Kenny’s book, Close the Pentagon, has an endorsement from Steven Pinker despite wanting to close something that Pinker rarely acknowledges exists. This is a book to answer the question: What if someone who believed that war was only committed by poor, dark, distant people, and had therefore almost vanished from the earth, were to … Continue reading “Pinkerism and Militarism Walk Into a Room”

Why War Deaths Increase After Wars

I don’t know if somebody dumped a bottle of sanity solution into Rhode Island Sound or what the reason is, but Brown University, which has military contracts just like everywhere else, is the headquarters of a group of dozens of scholars and experts working to educate the public about the various costs of wars (funders … Continue reading “Why War Deaths Increase After Wars”

US Troops Back in Saudi Arabia: What Could Go Wrong?

The First Gulf War back in 1990 was a big huge success. One of the things it accomplished was a major U.S. troop presence in Saudi Arabia. Muslims around the world were outraged. Bombs were repeatedly set off at Khobar Towers where troops were stationed. In 1998 Osama Bin Laden declared: “For over seven years … Continue reading “US Troops Back in Saudi Arabia: What Could Go Wrong?”