Three Good Reasons To Liquidate Our Empire

Originally posted at TomDispatch. It’s been almost eight years since Chalmers Johnson died.  He was the author of, among other works, Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire and Dismantling the Empire. He was also a TomDispatch stalwart and a friend . As I watch the strange destructive dance of Donald Trump and his … Continue reading “Three Good Reasons To Liquidate Our Empire”

Sorrows of Empire:

From the author of the prophetic national bestseller Blowback, a startling look at militarism, American style, and its consequences abroad and at home. In the years after the Soviet Union imploded, the United States was described first as the globe’s “lone superpower,” then as a “reluctant sheriff,” next as the “indispensable nation,” and now, in … Continue reading “Sorrows of Empire:”