Hillary, Hitler, and Cold War II

In assessing the motives and actions of Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton compared them to Adolf Hitler’s. Almost always a mistake. After 12 years in power, Hitler was dead, having slaughtered millions and conquered Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. And Putin? After 13 years in power, and facing a crisis in Ukraine, he directed … Continue reading “Hillary, Hitler, and Cold War II”

Tune Out the War Party!

With Vladimir Putin’s dispatch of Russian troops into Crimea, our war hawks are breathing fire. Russophobia is rampant and the op-ed pages are ablaze here. Barack Obama should tune them out, and reflect on how Cold War presidents dealt with far graver clashes with Moscow. When Red Army tank divisions crushed the Hungarian freedom fighters … Continue reading “Tune Out the War Party!”

Intervene? Or End Syrian War?

Whether saber rattling or not, word is out that the White House is “rethinking its options” on intervening in the Syrian war. The collapse of John Kerry’s Geneva 2 talks between the rebels and regime, the lengthening casualty lists from barrel-bomb attacks, and a death toll approaching 150,000, are apparently causing second thoughts. All the … Continue reading “Intervene? Or End Syrian War?”

Ukraine’s Crisis, Not Ours

Richard Engel of NBC, reporting from Maidan Square in Kiev, described what he witnessed as the Feb. 19 truce collapsed. Police began to back away from their positions in the square, said Engel. And the protesters attacked. Gunfire was exchanged and the death toll, believed to be in the dozens, is not known. In short, … Continue reading “Ukraine’s Crisis, Not Ours”

Staying Out of Other People’s Wars

“If these negotiations [with Iran] fail, there are two grim alternatives,” said Sen. Richard Durbin, “a nuclear Iran, or war, or perhaps both.” Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham returned from the Munich security conference saying that even John Kerry agrees that President Obama’s Syrian policy has failed. They are urging another look at air … Continue reading “Staying Out of Other People’s Wars”

Will Mobocracy Triumph in Ukraine?

Despite our endless blather about democracy, we Americans seem to be able to put our devotion to democratic principles on the shelf, when they get in the way of our New World Order. In 2012, in the presidential election in Egypt, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood won in a landslide. President Obama hailed the … Continue reading “Will Mobocracy Triumph in Ukraine?”

Is Kerry in Denial?

Does John Kerry understand the world he inherited? Is he in denial? Consider. At Davos, Switzerland, Kerry called it a “myth” that America is withdrawing, and “the most bewildering version of this disengagement myth is about a supposed U.S. retreat from the Middle East.” Is he serious? How else does Kerry describe Obama’s pullout of … Continue reading “Is Kerry in Denial?”

What Did Our Wars Win?

“He ended one war and kept us out of any other,” is the tribute paid President Eisenhower. Ike ended the Korean conflict in 1953, refused to intervene to save the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, and, rather than back the British-French-Israeli invasion, ordered them all out of Egypt in 1956. Ending America longest … Continue reading “What Did Our Wars Win?”

A Blank Check for War on Iran

As we approach the centennial of World War I, we will read much of the blunders that produced that tragedy of Western civilization. Among them will be the “blank check” Kaiser Wilhelm II gave to Vienna after the assassination by a Serb terrorist of the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand. If you decide to punish the … Continue reading “A Blank Check for War on Iran”

Why Neo-Isolationism Is Soaring

“Neo-isolationism is the direct product of foolish globalism. … Compared to people who thought they could run the universe, or at least the globe, I am neo-isolationist and proud of it.” Those are not the words of an old America Firster, but the declaration of that icon of the liberal establishment Walter Lippmann in 1967, … Continue reading “Why Neo-Isolationism Is Soaring”