No Matter Who Wins,
Expect More Wars

If the presidential debate Friday night told us anything, it was that whichever of these candidates is elected, we can expect more wars, or at least more conflicts that put U.S. forces or citizens in danger for dubious reasons. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama came close to questioning the "bipartisan" consensus on U.S. foreign … Continue reading “No Matter Who Wins,
Expect More Wars”

Time for a New Pakistan Policy

It should be becoming increasingly obvious that the present arrangement with Pakistan is simply not working for the United States. Although various U.S. military leaders keep traveling to Pakistan to try to tweak things around the edges, it is of course unlikely that this administration will do anything substantive, not only because it is still … Continue reading “Time for a New Pakistan Policy”

Mass Destruction or
Mass Distraction?

You can definitely count me among those who are skeptical of the official cover story that Bruce Ivins, who committed suicide recently as the FBI seemed to be closing in on him, was solely responsible for the series of anthrax attacks on people in Congress and the media in September-October 2001. What is missed in … Continue reading “Mass Destruction or
Mass Distraction?”

Kosovo and Georgia:
The Larger Picture

Among the reasons the Russians have offered to justify their aggressive counterattack into Georgian territory proper during the recent (ongoing?) Russo-Georgian war was Kosovo. When the United States strong-armed (wheedled? persuaded? bribed?) most of the Western countries into recognizing Kosovo as an independent state (although one completely dependent on NATO for almost all government services … Continue reading “Kosovo and Georgia:
The Larger Picture”

The End of the Military Commissions?

Before considering whether this week’s outcome means the commissions are out of commission or not, wasn’t there supposed to be a tradition called an Olympic Truce, whereby active hostilities were supposed to stop for the duration of the Games? But of course, the best time to start a war – whoever did it, about which … Continue reading “The End of the Military Commissions?”