Would the President Be in Charge During a War in Taiwan?

With 5 months remaining until the November elections, candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump have, over the last few months, staked out positions on key issues on the geopolitical stage. One of the more noteworthy examples was Trump’s acquiescent opinion given to reporters about how Congressional Republicans could get behind the controversial military aid package … Continue reading “Would the President Be in Charge During a War in Taiwan?”

In Navalny and Guaido, Washington Saw Useful Pawns, Not Political Paragons

Following the death of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, outrage and eulogies echoed out in equal measure from the halls of power in Washington, amplified one-hundredfold by the US and UK press, and gave the sense that a champion of democracy had been assassinated by a dictator. In 2019, following the presidential elections in Venezuela, … Continue reading “In Navalny and Guaido, Washington Saw Useful Pawns, Not Political Paragons”

Yemen Is Experiencing the True Cost of Bernie Sanders’s Cowardice

It was the evening of December 13th, 2022, when tense conversations were had in the office of Senator Bernie Sanders (I–VT) who was preparing to take a vote on the war in Yemen to the floor the following morning. After years of hard lobbying by peace advocates like the Friends Committee for National Legislature, a … Continue reading “Yemen Is Experiencing the True Cost of Bernie Sanders’s Cowardice”

Ancient Greece Called Them ‘Slaves’ Ukraine Calls It ‘Conscription’ the Product Is the Same

The war in Ukraine has reopened Europe’s eyes to the horrifying realities of the wars of history. Battles fought almost entirely by artillery barrages, trench warfare, mass assaults through minefields; the kinds of combat not seen in the world since the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, or World War II in Europe. Another aspect making … Continue reading “Ancient Greece Called Them ‘Slaves’ Ukraine Calls It ‘Conscription’ the Product Is the Same”

US and South Korea Agree to Co-Design Nuclear Weapons Policy 5 Years After Panmunjom Declaration

The US will work alongside South Korea to develop a strategic nuclear policy and frequently station nuclear weapon-armed submarines on the peninsula, according to an agreement announced by the White House marking the first visit of the new South Korean president to the US. Released on Wednesday, before the East Room was festooned with guests … Continue reading “US and South Korea Agree to Co-Design Nuclear Weapons Policy 5 Years After Panmunjom Declaration”

Slowly But Steadily, the Executive Branch is Bringing Back Widespread Drone Warfare

Not at any other time in the 21st century has the average American kept up less with the Global War on Terror, and now three presidents later, the questions of legality, productivity, and collateral damage remain as unanswered as they’ve ever been. Over the last 15 months, the number of US drone strikes in Yemen … Continue reading “Slowly But Steadily, the Executive Branch is Bringing Back Widespread Drone Warfare”

There’s Little More Washington Can Do To Convince China To Invade Taiwan

In the last 50 days, the executive and legislative branches in Washington have done more than in the last 50 years to convince China that America’s imperial policy is simply relentless, and must be met with force. That’s not to say it’s by any means a given that the People’s Republic of China will invade … Continue reading “There’s Little More Washington Can Do To Convince China To Invade Taiwan”

For Months a Narrative that Russia Can’t Win/Already Lost Was Unanimous, Now Quietly Erodes

In an interview with Newsmax, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has painted a grim picture of the war as it recently-passed its 100th day. 60-100 of his soldiers are becoming casualties every day, while a separate interview saw him say that Russian forces control 20% of the country’s east and south. These figures clash from the narrative … Continue reading “For Months a Narrative that Russia Can’t Win/Already Lost Was Unanimous, Now Quietly Erodes”

North Korea Hawk To Take Power in Seoul

Yoon Suk-yeol, a conservative from the People’s Power Party has won the South Korean Presidency by the narrowest edge in the country’s history. In an election marred by several spectacular scandals, extreme voter apathy, and young voters representing the decisive margin, the outcome has given the U.S. a new hawkish partner in the region. The … Continue reading “North Korea Hawk To Take Power in Seoul”

We Know What Can Happen After Sending Guns and Money to a Warzone

When Germany announced she would be sending 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 stinger missile-systems to Ukraine to aid her in defeating the Russians, it broke a long standing policy of the EU nation refusing to provide weapons to nations engaged in armed conflict. It might not seem such a big deal in the circumstances, after … Continue reading “We Know What Can Happen After Sending Guns and Money to a Warzone”