Seeing Events in Iran Through the Lens of Trump’s Polling Numbers

For nearly four years now, Donald Trump has been a blank check for Israel. That check may be about to expire. From recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to plans to annex the West Bank to freedom to bomb in Syria, the Donald Trump blank check keeps on being cashed. But Trump’s polling numbers … Continue reading “Seeing Events in Iran Through the Lens of Trump’s Polling Numbers”

The Coronavirus May be Novel, But It’s the Same Old Foreign Policy

U.S. foreign policy suffers from such tunnel vision that it is unable to change course even with the appearance of something as colossal as the COVID-19 pandemic. The American foreign policy response to the pandemic has ranged from the negative end of the spectrum where the pandemic is ignored and no change is made to … Continue reading “The Coronavirus May be Novel, But It’s the Same Old Foreign Policy”

Is Israel at War With Iran?

When Meir Dagan was appointed chief of the Israeli Mossad, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon assigned him the responsibility of disabling Iran’s supposed nuclear weapons program. It was Dagan’s belief – and he practiced it often – that the most effective and efficient way to do that was to locate key players in the Iranian nuclear … Continue reading “Is Israel at War With Iran?”

How Many Ways Can Israel Wage War on Iran Before the Media Reports Israel Is Waging War on Iran?

Reprinted with permission from MondoWeiss. Israel just bombed Iran. And no one noticed. On July 2, 2020, two explosions erupted in Iran, and both seem to have been ignited by Israel. Neither explosion attracted much reporting, and what reporting there has been remains thin and confused. The first report came out on the afternoon of … Continue reading “How Many Ways Can Israel Wage War on Iran Before the Media Reports Israel Is Waging War on Iran?”

Who Really Infiltrates the Peaceful Protests?

As anti-black racism protests have spread across America, police and governments have highlighted alleged protest infiltrators in an attempt to turn down the sincerity and legitimacy of the protests and to justify the use of force against protesters. But an honest look at history reveals that the infiltrators have not historically been law breakers but … Continue reading “Who Really Infiltrates the Peaceful Protests?”

Time To Confess to the Bolivian Coup

To live with the belief that your government is benign while experiencing each day its malignancy requires, Orwell argued, a constant act of double think. Double think is the act of holding "simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them. . .. to forget whatever it … Continue reading “Time To Confess to the Bolivian Coup”

The US Has a Long History of Weaponizing Aid to Other Countries

Reprinted from Truthout with permission. The spread of the coronavirus will not save Iran from sanctions, the U.S. cried. “Our policy of maximum pressure on the regime continues,” US Special Representative for Iranian Affairs Brian Hook said, as the State Department added more sanctions on Iran, one of the countries worst hit by the pandemic. … Continue reading “The US Has a Long History of Weaponizing Aid to Other Countries”

Germ Warfare: How Trump Is Weaponizing Covid-19

As the United Nations implores countries to cease hostilities and wars to help fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is causing the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States is finding ways to use the COVID-19 pandemic to fight its wars. While Saudi Arabia promises to begin a ceasefire in Yemen in response to the U.N. call for … Continue reading “Germ Warfare: How Trump Is Weaponizing Covid-19”

The Quiet and Lethal Wars Against Iran

Some wars are fought with bombs and bullets. These are the wars in Syria and Iraq, in Afghanistan and Yemen. Then there are quieter wars executed by drone. These cowardly wars also kill people, but not our people. These quieter wars accomplish what the more cacophonous wars accomplish without the public outcry and condemnation. Medical … Continue reading “The Quiet and Lethal Wars Against Iran”

Quieter and Quieter: The Evolution of Latin America’s Silent Coups

American interference with Latin American regimes began early and happened often. As early as the close of the nineteenth century, McKinley had betrayed and stolen Cuba. In 1903, Theodore Roosevelt severed Panama from Columbia, declared it an independent nation and put in power a government whose first act was to sign over the future Panama … Continue reading “Quieter and Quieter: The Evolution of Latin America’s Silent Coups”