Trump: Declassify the Russia-Gate Hoax

Read part 1 The explanation for the kind of soft-power aggression embedded in Washington globe-spanning "sanctions" regime, as we detailed in Part 1, is not national security: It’s simply what Imperial Washington does for a living. In the same vein, the billions of taxpayer money being pumped through the foreign policy agencies, NGOs, think tanks, … Continue reading “Trump: Declassify the Russia-Gate Hoax”

Hey, Mr. Trump! Tear Down That Deep State Wall – Of Secrecy

When the Donald promised to "drain the swamp" during the 2016 election campaign – it did sound vaguely like an attack on Big Government, and at least a directional desire to shrink the state and let free market capitalism breathe. After 22 months in office, however, the truth is patently obvious: The only Swamp that … Continue reading “Hey, Mr. Trump! Tear Down That Deep State Wall – Of Secrecy”

Washington’s Erroneous Notion That the Persian Gulf Is an American Lake

Read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. The terrorist threat that has arisen from the Sunni side of the Islamic divide is largely of Washington’s own making; and it is being nurtured by endless US meddling in the region’s politics and by the bombing and droning campaigns against Washington’s self-created enemies. At … Continue reading “Washington’s Erroneous Notion That the Persian Gulf Is an American Lake”

How Woodrow Wilson Ruined Everything

As we noted in the previous article, without America’s 11th hour mobilization, the Great War would have ended in a stalemate of exhausted, bankrupted, demoralized European combatants in 1917. There would have been no abomination known as the Versailles peace treaty because it was a toxic peace of victors. But without America’s tens of billions … Continue reading “How Woodrow Wilson Ruined Everything”

America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony

This weekend the Donald took some heavy duty flack from liberals, Dems, the MSM and harrumphing patriots for canceling his appearance at a wreath laying ceremony at the famous WWI battle site at Belleau, France owing to inclement weather. For instance, former Secretary of State, John Kerry got himself worked into high dudgeon: Mr. Kerry … Continue reading “America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony”

The Damnable Cult of the Stock Market and the Istanbul Bonesaw Massacre

During an appearance on Fox Business yesterday we were asked about the Khashoggi affair and whether any intemperate response by Washington might inconvenience the party kids’ reviling on Wall Street. Perhaps we were having a bad hair day, but the question did trigger a fairly intemperate response on our part. For crying out loud, Mohammed … Continue reading “The Damnable Cult of the Stock Market and the Istanbul Bonesaw Massacre”

‘Cry For Help’ My Eye! It’s Sabotage by a Deep State Handmaid

Well, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Anonymous didn’t pull any punches. He/she/they/it took to the op ed pages of the NYT to announce that there is a coup underway in the White House – the kind of bald-faced election-tampering that our putative Russian meddlers could only drool about. What we mean is that America knowingly elected – for better or … Continue reading “‘Cry For Help’ My Eye! It’s Sabotage by a Deep State Handmaid”

Political War! Washington Goes Full Retard on the Russia Hoax

It’s hard to identify anything that’s more uncoupled from reality than the Donald’s Trade War and reckless Fiscal Debauch. Together they will soon monkey-hammer today’s delirious Wall Street revilers and send main street’s aging and anemic recovery back into the drink. Except, except. When it comes to unreality, Trump’s crackpot economics is actually more than … Continue reading “Political War! Washington Goes Full Retard on the Russia Hoax”