The Silent Slaughter of the US Air War

April 2017 was another month of mass slaughter and unimaginable terror for the people of Mosul in Iraq and the areas around Raqqa and Tabqa in Syria, as the heaviest, most sustained U.S.-led bombing campaign since the American War in Vietnam entered its 33rd month. The Airwars monitoring group has compiled reports of 1,280 to … Continue reading “The Silent Slaughter of the US Air War”

Big Brother Is Still Watching You

“You had to live – did live, from habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.” ~ George Orwell, 1984 Supposedly the National Security Administration is going to stop collecting certain Internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target. Privacy advocates are hailing … Continue reading “Big Brother Is Still Watching You”

How To Smuggle US Nuclear Triggers to Israel

On May 3, 2017 the Department of Homeland Security released the most detailed files to date on the 1979-1983 Richard Kelly Smyth/Arnon Milchan/Benjamin Netanyahu krytron smuggling ring. The 100-page dossier (PDF) answers important questions about how highly sensitive US nuclear weapons technologies were smuggled out of the country in the early 1980s. The pages leave … Continue reading “How To Smuggle US Nuclear Triggers to Israel”

Congress Should Just Say No to Trump’s Afghanistan Surge

With the US occupation of Afghanistan well into its sixteenth year and the country no closer to becoming a stable democracy than it was in late 2001, reports that this isn’t an “all options are on the table” scenario. President Donald Trump seems to have rejected the idea of withdrawing US troops and ending … Continue reading “Congress Should Just Say No to Trump’s Afghanistan Surge”

Farewell to Matt Drudge

I’ve always been a big Matt Drudge fan. That’s because I was there at the beginning, when the Drudge Report was just another web site and the Legacy Media was still the main focus of the journalism business. I remember when he was an habitué of, one of the earliest gathering places for all … Continue reading “Farewell to Matt Drudge”

Ignoring the Costs of War

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Wilbur Ross put the matter… well, mouth-wateringly. At a Milken Institute Global Conference in California, the commerce secretary recalled how President Trump was hosting a dinner for China’s president, Xi Jinping, at his Mar-a-Lago club at the moment when a bevy of Tomahawk missiles were being dispatched against an airfield in … Continue reading “Ignoring the Costs of War”

President Trump: Cancel Your Saudi Trip, Play More Golf

President Trump is about to embark on his first foreign trip, where he will stop in Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican, before attending a NATO meeting in Brussels and the G-7 summit in Sicily. The media and pundits have loudly wondered why hasn’t he gone on a foreign trip sooner. I wonder why go … Continue reading “President Trump: Cancel Your Saudi Trip, Play More Golf”

US Says ‘Yes’ to Nuke Tests, ‘No’ to a Nuke Ban Treaty

Twice in seven days the United States shot nuclear-capable long-range missiles toward the Marshall Islands, but the same government refused in March to join negotiations for a new treaty banning nuclear weapons. Tests conducted April 26 and May 3 from Vandenberg Air Force Base launched modernized Minuteman-3 ballistic missiles, and the US Air Force said … Continue reading “US Says ‘Yes’ to Nuke Tests, ‘No’ to a Nuke Ban Treaty”