The Five Blinding Myths About Iran

One of the promises that President Trump has kept is his promise to be tough on Iran. Though he has not canceled the nuclear weapons agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), he has "officially put Iran on notice," and he has imposed new sanctions. More seriously, the New York Times reports that Secretary … Continue reading “The Five Blinding Myths About Iran”

Do We Live in a Police State?

WikiLeaks and Julian Assange would have gone down in history as the greatest enemies of government oppression of all kinds in any case, but their latest release – a comprehensive exposé of the US intelligence community’s cyberwar tools and techniques – is truly the capstone of their career. And given that this release – dubbed … Continue reading “Do We Live in a Police State?”

Surging to Failure: An Iraq War Anniversary to Forget

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Every now and then, I think back to the millions of people who turned out in this country and across the globe in early 2003 to protest the coming invasion of Iraq. Until the recent Women’s March against Donald Trump, that may have been the largest set of demonstrations in American … Continue reading “Surging to Failure: An Iraq War Anniversary to Forget”

Is a Korean Missile Crisis Ahead?

To back up Defense Secretary "Mad Dog" Mattis’ warning last month, that the U.S. "remains steadfast in its commitment" to its allies, President Donald Trump is sending B-1 and B-52 bombers to Korea. Some 300,000 South Korean and 15,000 U.S. troops have begun their annual Foal Eagle joint war exercises that run through April. "The … Continue reading “Is a Korean Missile Crisis Ahead?”

Mad About THAAD: An Untimely Decision

The US decision, supported by the South Korean government, to deploy an antimissile system known as THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) may be one of the most thoughtless strategic moves in a generation. The official US argument is that close-in defense against North Korean missiles is necessary. But the deployment has resulted in the … Continue reading “Mad About THAAD: An Untimely Decision”

Only the Israeli Dead Matter: Israel’s Failure at Investigating Its Bloody Wars

At a glance, Israel appears a true democracy. Take a closer look and that facade of democracy will soon dissipate, turning into something else entirely. Tuesday 28 February was one of those moments. The chain of events was as follows: An official Israeli State Comptroller issued another report on the Israeli government’s handling of the … Continue reading “Only the Israeli Dead Matter: Israel’s Failure at Investigating Its Bloody Wars”

Congress Created a Monster

Those of us who believe that the Constitution means what it says have been arguing since the late 1970s that congressional efforts to strengthen national security by weakening personal liberty are unconstitutional, un-American and ineffective. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which Congress passed in the aftermath of President Richard Nixon’s use of the CIA and … Continue reading “Congress Created a Monster”