Do Iran’s Missile Tests Violate the Nuclear Agreement?

Since 16 January 2016, the Implementation Day of the Iran’s nuclear agreement with P5+1, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran’s armed forces have carried out a series of missile tests. The latest of such tests occurred this week when Iran tested a purely defensive missile with a relatively short range. … Continue reading “Do Iran’s Missile Tests Violate the Nuclear Agreement?”

Our Lying Media

The headline was alarming: “Trump to Mexico: Take Care of ‘Bad Hombres,’ or US Might.” The Associated Press story went on to report: “President Donald Trump warned in a phone call with his Mexican counterpart that he was ready to send U.S. troops to stop "bad hombres down there" unless the Mexican military does more … Continue reading “Our Lying Media”

The Coming Clash With Iran

When Gen. Michael Flynn marched into the White House Briefing Room to declare that "we are officially putting Iran on notice," he drew a red line for President Trump. In tweeting the threat, Trump agreed. His credibility is now on the line. And what triggered this virtual ultimatum? Iran-backed Houthi rebels, said Flynn, attacked a … Continue reading “The Coming Clash With Iran”

Investing in the Military (and Little Else)

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Last Friday, Donald Trump made his first visit to the Pentagon where he spoke of signing an order to begin “a great rebuilding of the armed services of the United States,” something he’s been advocating for quite a while. As TomDispatch regular Bill Hartung indicates today, this will mean a massive … Continue reading “Investing in the Military (and Little Else)”

Clamoring for Israeli Approval: Trump’s Election Promises Will Haunt Him

U.S. President Donald Trump promises to be pro-Israel in every aspect. "I’m the best thing that could ever happen to Israel," he boasted at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Presidential Forum in Washington DC, in December, 2015. For a brief moment, Trump appeared as if rethinking his unconditional support for Israel, when in February 2016, the … Continue reading “Clamoring for Israeli Approval: Trump’s Election Promises Will Haunt Him”

War Crimes: Key Decision Point for a New President

In 2011, American citizens Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan were murdered – killed without charge or trial – on the orders of then-president Barack Obama. Two weeks later, al-Awlaki’s teenage son, Abdulrahman, also an American citizen, was murdered – again, killed without charge or trial – also on Obama’s orders. When questioned on the propriety … Continue reading “War Crimes: Key Decision Point for a New President”