Israel’s Vision for the Future Is Terrifying

Empirical historical evidence combined with little commonsense are enough to tell us the type of future options that Israel has in store for the Palestinian people: perpetual apartheid or ethnic cleansing, or a mix of both. The passing of the “Regularisation Bill” on 6 February is all we need to imagine the Israeli-envisaged future. The … Continue reading “Israel’s Vision for the Future Is Terrifying”

A Win for the Deep State

Let’s be clear about how and why former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn was ousted from his post: a cabal of current and former members of the “intelligence community,” fanatically opposed to Donald Trump’s stated desire to “get along with the Russians,” leaked the top secret transcript of Flynn’s conversation with Russian ambassador Sergay Kislyak. … Continue reading “A Win for the Deep State”

Israel Rejoices in Unbridled Colony Expansion Amid Trump’s Havoc

Within days of US President Donald Trump being sworn in, the Israeli government announced the approval of around 2,500 new housing units. Within the first two weeks of Trump’s presidency, the number of new housing units, all to be built illegally on Palestinian land, was raised to 5,500, including the first brand new government-sanctioned colony … Continue reading “Israel Rejoices in Unbridled Colony Expansion Amid Trump’s Havoc”

Ignore the Tough Talk – Trump’s Iran Policy Will Be Much Like Obama’s

The first public pronouncements by President Donald Trump’s administration on Iran have created the widespread impression that the US will adopt a much more aggressive posture towards the Islamic Republic than under Barack Obama’s presidency. But despite the rather crude warnings to Tehran by now ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn and by Trump himself, the … Continue reading “Ignore the Tough Talk – Trump’s Iran Policy Will Be Much Like Obama’s”

2016 Election and Post-Imperial America

Many of us look back on the 2015-2016 election season as a surreal time of sun-glint nightmare, in which the public was stupefied that such liars, hacks and backwardness could emerge into the top rung of American political space. Perhaps, if we think of Baudrillard’s perspective on democratic politics, the American public was well-served – … Continue reading “2016 Election and Post-Imperial America”

The China Missile Crisis of 2018?

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Consider it an irony or simply a reality of our moment, but these days Donald ("America First") Trump is looking ever less like an old-fashioned, pre-World War II isolationist. In a mere three-plus weeks in office, he’s managed to mix it up royally with much of the rest of the planet. … Continue reading “The China Missile Crisis of 2018?”

Our ‘Fake News,’ and Theirs

I had to laugh when the “mainstream” media began making a fuss about the alleged epidemic of “fake news.”  My immediate and uncontrollable reaction was: “Are we to be spared nothing?!” After all, as’s longtime readers know, these are the very same people who were spreading the Bush administration’s “talking points” as if they … Continue reading “Our ‘Fake News,’ and Theirs”