Inquiry Points Toward a Pentagon Plot to Subvert Obama’s Syria Policy

Airstrikes by the United States and its allies against two Syrian army positions Sept. 17 killed at least 62 Syrian troops and wounded dozens more. The attack was quickly treated as a non-story by the U.S. news media; US Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed the strikes were carried out in the mistaken belief that Islamic State … Continue reading “Inquiry Points Toward a Pentagon Plot to Subvert Obama’s Syria Policy”

It’s Not Too Late for Two States in Palestine

During World War II, when German bombers terrorized Britain, a small group of gallant airmen faced them every day. Their life expectancy was numbered in days. Once, a genius at the propaganda ministry devised a poster: "Who is afraid of the German Luftwaffe?" When it was posted at one of the Royal Air Force bases, … Continue reading “It’s Not Too Late for Two States in Palestine”

Avoiding Accidental Nuclear War

One of the great pleasures in publishing and writing for The American Conservative is the civilized discourse, knowledge, and profundity of the comments sections. Our survival and reach today is quite astounding considering how we started as such a lonely voice in Washington’s warmongering media wilderness. Yet there is still much more work to do. … Continue reading “Avoiding Accidental Nuclear War”

New McCarthyism Targets Trump

When President Obama expelled Russian diplomats over the hysterical and unproven accusation of Russia “hacking the election,” Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to be drawn into a petty squabble, saying he would delay any response until Donald Trump assumed office. Instead Putin invited American diplomats and their families in Moscow to join the official holiday … Continue reading “New McCarthyism Targets Trump”

Purge the CIA

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified at a hearing on “Russian interference” in the election that there’s a difference between “skepticism” of the intelligence community’s assessment and “disparagement” of said community. While stopping short of asking for a “safe space,” this admitted liar used the opportunity to cry on the shoulders of Donald Trump’s … Continue reading “Purge the CIA”

Special Ops, Shadow Wars, and the Golden Age of the Gray Zone

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Don’t think the fad for “draining the swamp” began on the campaign trail with Donald Trump. It didn’t, although the “swamp” to be drained in the days after the 9/11 attacks wasn’t in Washington; it was a global one. Of course, that’s ancient history, more than 15 years old. Who even … Continue reading “Special Ops, Shadow Wars, and the Golden Age of the Gray Zone”

There’s Little Reason To be Optimistic About Trump and Privacy

It’s still impossible to know what president-elect Donald Trump will do. His statements over the past 18 months, and before, have often contradicted each other on issues as varied as foreign policy and transgender people using the bathroom of their choice. On one important issue, however, Trump has been depressingly consistent. From all appearances, he … Continue reading “There’s Little Reason To be Optimistic About Trump and Privacy”

A Blessing in Disguise? The Trump Presidency May be Better for Palestine

Israel is dizzy. January 20th has been like another Christmas Day and Donald Trump is jolly old Santa Claus bearing gifts. The writing is already on the wall as President-elect Trump has appointed an extremist, David Friedman, as the next US Ambassador to Israel who intends to relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to … Continue reading “A Blessing in Disguise? The Trump Presidency May be Better for Palestine”