The Foreign Plot to Oust Trump

Oh, the irony! Amid all the accusations of foreign interference in the election, the first solid indication of it showed up with the publication of a slanderous unsourced memo written by a “former” British intelligence agent accusing Donald Trump of various “perversions” and claiming he’s vulnerable to blackmail by those evil Russkies. The “ex”-MI6 agent, … Continue reading “The Foreign Plot to Oust Trump”

Trump’s Enemies Pushing Him Toward Conflict With Russia

"Fake news!" roared Donald Trump, the work of "sick people." The president-elect was referring to a 35-page dossier of lurid details of his alleged sexual misconduct in Russia, worked up by a former British spy. A two-page summary of the 35 pages had been added to Trump’s briefing by the CIA and FBI – and … Continue reading “Trump’s Enemies Pushing Him Toward Conflict With Russia”

The Iranian Connection in the Age of Trump

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Tell me if this sounds familiar: the leadership of a distant nation has its own ideas about whom you should vote for, or who should rule your country, and acts decisively on them, affecting an election. Such interference in the political life of another country must be a reference to… no, … Continue reading “The Iranian Connection in the Age of Trump”

Enough Fearmongering: Only One Democratic State Is Possible in Palestine and Israel

Long before December 28, when Secretary of State, John Kerry took the podium at the Dean Acheson Auditorium in Washington DC to pontificate on the uncertain future of the two-state solution and the need to save Israel from itself, the subject of a Palestinian state has been paramount. In fact, unlike common belief, the push … Continue reading “Enough Fearmongering: Only One Democratic State Is Possible in Palestine and Israel”

From Official Policy to Mainstream Discourse: Propaganda in the Making

The Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act (CDPA), passed last December 8th by Barack Obama, was first presented to the US Congress on March 16th. This effort in information warfare was in the making long before the mainstream media campaign against "fake news", or serious allegations of Russian meddling in US elections, started. This is an … Continue reading “From Official Policy to Mainstream Discourse: Propaganda in the Making”

Where’s the Evidence?

Three intelligence agencies – the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA – have issued their much-touted report on alleged Russian intervention in the presidential election, and after reading it one question remains: Where’s the evidence? We are told from the outset that the actual evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and John Podesta’s emails … Continue reading “Where’s the Evidence?”

The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers

The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers A book by Joseph Hickman They are called “this generation’s Agent Orange” – the open fire pits operated on over 230 U.S. military bases across Iraq and Afghanistan during our wars there. Every kind of waste – plastics; batteries; old ordnance; asbestos; pesticide containers; tires; biomedical, chemical … Continue reading “The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers”

Who’s More Anti-American, Russia Today or the US Director of National Intelligence?

Someone should take US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper aside for a talk. He desperately needs to be told that when you’re deep in a hole, the first step toward getting out is to stop digging. Clapper’s been in such a hole since 2013, when he got caught lying to Congress about the National … Continue reading “Who’s More Anti-American, Russia Today or the US Director of National Intelligence?”