Yet Another Undeclared US War

Originally posted at TomDispatch. What is it about America and its twenty-first-century wars? They spread continually – there are now seven of them; they never end; and yet, if you happen to live in the United States, most of the time it would be easy enough to believe that, except for the struggle against ISIS … Continue reading “Yet Another Undeclared US War”

Stop the CIA Coup

The CIA is up to its old tricks: overthrowing a democratically elected government. Only this time it’s our government. As they are now legally allowed to do ever since the law against covert CIA propaganda in the United States was repealed, the Agency has leaked to the Washington Post reports – via anonymous third parties … Continue reading “Stop the CIA Coup”

A Global Nuclear Winter: Avoiding the Unthinkable in India and Pakistan

President-elect Donald Trump’s off the cuff, chaotic approach to foreign policy had at least one thing going for it, even though it was more the feel of a blind pig rooting for acorns than a thought-out international initiative. In speaking with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the New York Times reported, Trump said he wanted … Continue reading “A Global Nuclear Winter: Avoiding the Unthinkable in India and Pakistan”

Hold Your Applause, Fatah, the Palestinian Body Politic Is Rotten to the Core

In July 2003, the then Palestinian Authority Chairman, Yasser Arafat, described Mahmoud Abbas as a “traitor” who “betrayed the interests of the Palestinian People.” Arafat loathed Abbas to the very end. This particular outburst was made during a meeting with United Nations envoy Terje Larsen. The meeting took place a few months after Arafat was … Continue reading “Hold Your Applause, Fatah, the Palestinian Body Politic Is Rotten to the Core”

Trump, Taiwan, and the Chinese Paper Tiger

The media and the foreign policy “experts” went ballistic recently over President-elect Donald Trump’s phone call with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen. With one brief call, which the Trump team says was only a congratulatory call initiated by Ms. Ing-wen, Trump blew up our longstanding “One China” policy and precipitated a dangerous collision with Beijing. While … Continue reading “Trump, Taiwan, and the Chinese Paper Tiger”

Are Sanctuary Cities Legal?

Last week, President-elect Donald Trump re-emphasized the approach he will take in enforcing the nation’s immigration laws, which is much different from the manner of enforcement utilized by President Barack Obama. The latter pointedly declined to deport the 5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States who are the parents of children born here – … Continue reading “Are Sanctuary Cities Legal?”