Duterte vs. Washington’s Cold War System

Just into his fourth month as head of state, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has managed to become one of the most controversial actors on the global stage, rivaling if not eclipsing Donald Trump. Not least there’s his war on drugs at home, which has already seen the extrajudicial executions of what some current … Continue reading “Duterte vs. Washington’s Cold War System”

Will President Trump Free Julian Assange?

The former British ambassador to Cuba, Paul Webster Hare, wants the British police to invade the Ecuadorian embassy and ferret out Julian Assange – in the name of preserving diplomacy: “The Ecuadorians have partially cut Assange’s access to the Internet – perhaps until after the election. But that will not solve the problem. “Now the … Continue reading “Will President Trump Free Julian Assange?”

Residents Flee Eastern Mosul; 69 Killed in Iraq

Thousands of civilians are now able to flee eastern districts of Mosul and are heading toward refugee camps that are filling up quickly. Some of the residents are trying to escape the fighting, but others are fearful of the security forces who have come to battle the Islamic State militants. Some forces are reportedly abusing … Continue reading “Residents Flee Eastern Mosul; 69 Killed in Iraq”

Why Palestinians Want To Sue Britain: 99 Years Since the Balfour Declaration

Last July, the Palestinian Authority took the unexpected, although belated step of seeking Arab backing in suing Britain over the Balfour Declaration. That "declaration" was the first ever explicit commitment made by Britain, and the West in general, to establish a Jewish homeland atop an existing Palestinian homeland. It is too early to tell whether … Continue reading “Why Palestinians Want To Sue Britain: 99 Years Since the Balfour Declaration”

North Korea’s Nuclear Ticket to Survival

In recent months, a number of U.S. officials have begun to reassess their understanding of why the North Korean government wants nuclear weapons. Rather than repeating the standard claim that the North Korean government is taking extreme measures to intimidate its enemies into making concessions, some officials have begun to suggest that the North Korean … Continue reading “North Korea’s Nuclear Ticket to Survival”

Who Gains From Colombia’s Vote for Permanent War?

In early October, the Colombian people voted NO to peace. Or to be exact, 50.2 percent of 37 percent of the eligible population voted no. In the referendum held on October 2, the majority of voters decided to scuttle the agreement between the government and FARC rebels, which had been reached after four years of … Continue reading “Who Gains From Colombia’s Vote for Permanent War?”

How Hillary Clinton Poisoned American Politics

FBI Director James Comey’s decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information has the Clintonites falling back on their tried-and-true response to all the revelations coming from WikiLeaks and other sources – it’s all a Russian plot. Except, this time, the hysteria has reached such a fever pitch, and the conspiracy … Continue reading “How Hillary Clinton Poisoned American Politics”

Let’s Reduce the US Nuclear Arsenal

At present, nuclear disarmament seems to have ground to a halt. Nine nations have a total of approximately 15,500 nuclear warheads in their arsenals, including 7,300 possessed by Russia and 7,100 possessed by the United States. A Russian-American treaty to further reduce their nuclear forces has been difficult to secure thanks to Russian disinterest and … Continue reading “Let’s Reduce the US Nuclear Arsenal”