The FBI’s Secret War

The idea that a tyrannical government is secretly plotting against US citizens is a popular and longstanding belief among much of the American far right. The scenario has many variations, but the basics are that politicians, threatened by a potentially rebellious populace, are watching and listening in on them, working to undermine them and readying … Continue reading “The FBI’s Secret War”

The Libertarianism Antithesis: War

Until the longest war in U.S. history ends, substantive liberty will not return to American soil. Nothing is more important to freedom than to oppose the militarization of society because the two social models cannot coexist. Inevitably, one will overthrow the other. What Is War? What Is Libertarianism? The root of the conflict is expressed … Continue reading “The Libertarianism Antithesis: War”

Israeli Civil War Approaching?

Something strange happens to retired chiefs of the Israeli internal Security Service, Shin Bet. The service is by definition a central pillar of the Israeli occupation. It is admired by (Jewish) Israelis, feared by Palestinians, respected by security professionals everywhere. The occupation could not exist without it. And here is the paradox: once the chiefs … Continue reading “Israeli Civil War Approaching?”

Why Should Partisan Politics Get in the Way of Warmongering?

Ever since the more mainstream Republican right began to turn on Donald Trump, I’ve wondered why they don’t simply bite the bullet and vote for Hillary Clinton instead. Desperate for anyone who isn’t Trump, the GOP has tried to get Weekly Standard editor William Kristol to suggest a candidate – which went as well as … Continue reading “Why Should Partisan Politics Get in the Way of Warmongering?”

The Other Speech: Hillary the Hawk Spreads Her Wings

While the media and the American people were avidly watching and commenting on Donald Trump’s much-awaited immigration speech, another peroration by a presidential candidate somehow got overlooked: Hillary Clinton’s appearance before the American Legion. Overshadowed by Trump’s visit to Mexico, and his subsequent stem-winder, Hillary’s performance was greeted with tepid applause by her military audience, … Continue reading “The Other Speech: Hillary the Hawk Spreads Her Wings”