To Bill Clinton: On (My) Liberty and (Your) America

Donald Trump wants to keep us out of the country altogether.  But Bill Clinton, former president and husband of a Democratic presidential nominee, does not mind us staying, as long as we, Muslims, behave ourselves. Welcome to America where racial profiling is the country’s most popular idea, and where citizenship is now conditioned on blind … Continue reading “To Bill Clinton: On (My) Liberty and (Your) America”

The Sham Rebrand of al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front

The Nusra Front’s adoption of the new name Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and claim that it has separated itself from al-Qaeda was designed to influence US policy, not to make the group any more independent of al-Qaeda. The objective of the maneuver was to head off US-Russian military cooperation against the jihadist group, renamed last week, … Continue reading “The Sham Rebrand of al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front”

Obama at Pentagon: Syria Mess Is All Assad’s Fault

Some presidents grow in office and some presidents grow once out of office (Jimmy Carter comes to mind). But some presidents seem to learn very little during their four or eight year term. Unfortunately, especially when it comes to foreign policy, it seems President Obama falls into that latter category. The president gave a press … Continue reading “Obama at Pentagon: Syria Mess Is All Assad’s Fault”

Manning’s Death Wouldn’t Be Enough for the State

The ACLU reports that due to Chelsea Manning’s attempted suicide on July 5th in the Fort Leavenworth military prison she could face additional charges including “resisting the force cell move team;” “prohibited property;” and “conduct which threatens.” The punishment could include, “indefinite solitary confinement, reclassification into maximum security, and an additional nine years in medium … Continue reading “Manning’s Death Wouldn’t Be Enough for the State”

Nationalism and Soldier-Worship Are Always Bipartisan

My intention was to tell anyone who gave me trouble that I was a Jehovah’s Witness, or maybe a Quaker. Turns out, the only problem I suffered from sitting each time I was present for the presentation of colors, the National Anthem, and the Pledge of Allegiance at the Republican Nation Convention was the general … Continue reading “Nationalism and Soldier-Worship Are Always Bipartisan”

Stay Out of Libya

We’re back in Libya, with US warplanes bombing targets in the city of Sirte, on a mission that, according to the Pentagon, has “no endpoint at this particular moment.” And that statement sums up perfectly the Sisyphean task that presented itself to US policymakers when the Terrible Triumvirate – Hillary Clinton, national security honchette Susan … Continue reading “Stay Out of Libya”

Lessons From the Deep State

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, WikiLeaks – the courageous international organization dedicated to governmental transparency – exposed hundreds of internal emails circulated among senior staff of the Democratic National Committee during the past 18 months. At a time when Democratic Party officials were publicly professing neutrality during the party’s presidential primaries, the … Continue reading “Lessons From the Deep State”

$400 Million: The Partial Price of Peace?

When the US government sends $400 million in cash, stacked on pallets, to Iran on the same day the Iranian government releases four imprisoned Americans, it looks an awful lot like ransom. On the other hand, when the US government decides to keep $400 million sent to it by the Iranian government pursuant to an … Continue reading “$400 Million: The Partial Price of Peace?”