Tomas Young’s War Is the Cost of Empire

When the eulogy for the US Empire is finally written, it will not serve to glorify the exploits of the US government abroad. There won’t be a laudatory recounting of examples of the Empire spreading so-called democracy across the world by the barrel of gun, or by drone strike, or by military occupation. No one … Continue reading “Tomas Young’s War Is the Cost of Empire”

The Foreign Invasion of American Politics

As one of my Twitter followers put it so succinctly: “Globalization: Where leaders from any country get to pick US Presidents.” As the Clinton campaign’s Robby Mook tears a page out of Joe McCarthy’s book and smears Donald Trump as being “Putin’s puppet,” the irony is that this election has seen foreign interference in American … Continue reading “The Foreign Invasion of American Politics”

Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Serbia was intended to send a message that the US stood by its policies, essentially promoting Hillary Clinton’s campaign. All it managed to do, however, was dredge up the bitter memories of the 1999 NATO invasion. Before jetting off to Belgrade on August 16, Biden gave a fiery speech … Continue reading “Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane”

War: The Islamic State and Western Politicians Against the Rest of Us

On July 28, London’s Central Criminal Court of England and Wales, aka “the Old Bailey,” announced the conviction of Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary on charges of “inviting support for a proscribed organization” (the Islamic State). He’ll be sentenced, likely to a long stint in prison, in September. On August 18, social networking service Twitter announced … Continue reading “War: The Islamic State and Western Politicians Against the Rest of Us”

Congress Must Take Action To Block Weapon Sales To Saudi Arabia

Last week, the Pentagon announced the approval of the sale of an additional $1.15 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia. The callousness of this announcement – just days after Saudi Arabia rebooted its devastating bombing campaign in Yemen – is breathtaking. The Saudi-led coalition has used American-made fighter jets, bombs and other munitions in … Continue reading “Congress Must Take Action To Block Weapon Sales To Saudi Arabia”

Making Sense of Trump and his National Security State Critics

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Imagine that across the planet, back in the early months of 2003, millions of people marched in the streets of global cities and small towns, protesting, toting handmade signs, making their voices heard in every way they could to indicate that the prospective Bush administration invasion of Iraq would be an … Continue reading “Making Sense of Trump and his National Security State Critics”

What Should We Do About Crimea?

Is Crimea about to explode? The mainstream media reports that Russia has amassed troops on the border with Ukraine and may be spoiling for a fight. The Russians claim to have stopped a Ukrainian sabotage team that snuck into Crimea to attack key infrastructure. The Russian military is holding exercises in Crimea and Russian President … Continue reading “What Should We Do About Crimea?”

A Lawless Plan To Target Syria’s Allies

On Aug. 17, TV interviewer Charlie Rose gave former acting CIA Director Michael Morell a “mulligan” for an earlier wayward drive on Aug. 8 that sliced deep into the rough and even stirred up some nonviolent animals by advocating the murder of Russians and Iranians. But, alas, Morell duffed the second drive, too. Morell did … Continue reading “A Lawless Plan To Target Syria’s Allies”