On July 4th Demand Freedom, Don’t Celebrate The State

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the July 4th holiday we should remember that we are not celebrating the state, but rather commemorating an act of secession from an oppressive government. We are celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain – a daring move by the Founders inspired … Continue reading “On July 4th Demand Freedom, Don’t Celebrate The State”

The Nonviolent History of American Independence

Independence Day is commemorated with fireworks and flag-waving, gun salutes and military parades . . . however, one of our nation’s founding fathers, John Adams, wrote, “A history of military operations . . . is not a history of the American Revolution.” Often minimized in our history books, the tactics of nonviolent action played a … Continue reading “The Nonviolent History of American Independence”

Why the Sanders ‘Revolution’ Must Take on the Permanent War State

The People’s Summit in Chicago June 17-19 dramatically displayed both the strengths and the vulnerabilities of what has emerged in 2016 as one of the most potentially powerful movements for fundamental change in the United States in many decades. The event, which brought together 3,000 committed movement activists to rally in support of the “political … Continue reading “Why the Sanders ‘Revolution’ Must Take on the Permanent War State”

The Revolt Against Globalism

There was William Galston at the European Council on Foreign Relations, listening to his fellow elitists and foreign policy honchos caviling about the rise of Donald Trump and bemoaning the fate of the European Union (EU) at the hand’s of Britain’s Euro-skeptics. As the assembled luminaries had a collective sad in their five-star hotel, wondering … Continue reading “The Revolt Against Globalism”

How Turkey’s Reconciliation Deal With Israel Harms the Palestinians

With Israel and Turkey having announced a reconciliation agreement this week, Turkey is portraying itself as a protector of the oppressed by arguing that it will allow greater aid to the people of Gaza. The truth, however, is that, far from helping the Palestinians, Turkey’s deal with Israel serves to reinforce the occupation regime in … Continue reading “How Turkey’s Reconciliation Deal With Israel Harms the Palestinians”

As the UN Capitulates, the US Has a Duty To End Weapon Sales to Saudi Arabia

On May 27, Foreign Policy reported that the Obama administration has decided to block the sale of additional cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. This is great news, but it’s long past overdue and still not enough. U.S. companies, including Textron Industries – the makers of cluster munitions sold to Saudi Arabia – have profited far … Continue reading “As the UN Capitulates, the US Has a Duty To End Weapon Sales to Saudi Arabia”