Will Hillary Clinton Get Favored Treatment?

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in a legal pickle over her careless email practices – in that she appears to have endangered national security secrets including the identity of covert CIA officers and done so for selfish reasons (personal convenience or keeping her documents out of reach of transparency laws). The facts of … Continue reading “Will Hillary Clinton Get Favored Treatment?”

Will Japan Nuke Pearl Harbor?

I was struck by something Donald Trump said on CNN this [Sunday] morning: “Until I got involved in this most people didn’t know we were defending Japan and Germany." Of course they didn’t, and don’t – they’re too busy paying their mortgages, raising their children, and living their lives. They don’t have the time or … Continue reading “Will Japan Nuke Pearl Harbor?”

Is the US Behind the Brazilian Coup?

There can no longer be a defense of the removal of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff from office. The political maneuvering by the opposition PSDB has been uncloaked and revealed for what it clearly was all along: a quiet coup dressed in the disguise of democracy. The recent release of a recording of a phone call … Continue reading “Is the US Behind the Brazilian Coup?”

Dismantling Civil Society in Bahrain

Like a vise which first grips its object and then slowly, deliberately and inexorably crushes it, the al-Khalifa regime has done similarly to civil society in Bahrain. It did not stop when peaceful, pro-democracy, reform protests erupted in 2011 and were violently put down by government forces aided by an invasion of Saudi troops in … Continue reading “Dismantling Civil Society in Bahrain”

Netanyahu Consolidates Power Over Israeli Society

I recently mentioned the German word Gleichschaltung – one of the most typical words in the Nazi vocabulary. "Gleich" means "the same", and "Schaltung" means "wiring". The long German word means that everything in the state is wired up the same way – the Nazi way. This was an essential part of the Nazi transformation … Continue reading “Netanyahu Consolidates Power Over Israeli Society”

Next Time Someone Says Nothing Is Made in the USA Anymore, Show Them This

Who says nothing is made in the USA anymore? Certainly not the well-heeled denizens of the State Department’s diplomatic corps. And they should know. That’s because they’re stationed on the frontlines of the ongoing battle to preserve Uncle Sam’s dominant market share of the global weapons trade. Luckily for the Military-Industrial Complex, it turns out … Continue reading “Next Time Someone Says Nothing Is Made in the USA Anymore, Show Them This”