Doom from the Depths: Coming Your Way

Ever since the horrors of submarine warfare became a key issue during World War I, submarines have had a sinister reputation. And the building of new, immensely costly, nuclear-armed submarines by the U.S. government and others may soon raise the level of earlier anxiety to a nuclear nightmare. This spring, the US government continued its … Continue reading “Doom from the Depths: Coming Your Way”

A Note to My Readers

I’m a bit under the weather — frankly, I’m completely exhausted — and so taking an extra long weekend: no column today. However, my present unfortunate state may be fortuitous:  have the distinct impression the next few weeks will be filled to overflowing with important news, so I guess it’s a good idea to rest up for the big sprint just … Continue reading “A Note to My Readers”

Nuclear Nightmares: Securing the World Before It Is Too Late

In January 1961 a B-52 bomber broke up over North Carolina, dropping two nuclear bombs on rural Goldsboro County. “By the slightest margin of chance,” recently released documents reveal, “literally the failure of two wires to cross, a nuclear explosion was averted.” The new revelations about the Goldsboro incident, one of numerous close calls, will … Continue reading “Nuclear Nightmares: Securing the World Before It Is Too Late”

Iraq’s Premier Remains Defiant As 33 More Are Killed in Fighting, Attacks

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki refused to step away from his candidacy for prime minister today, even as his political rival, Osama al-Nujaifi, promised to not run for speaker of the house again. This inflexibility on the part of the premier could mean a long battle to create the new Iraq government. It is a battle that can only help Islamic State militants push forward in Iraq. At least 33 people were killed 22 more were wounded in the latest violence.

Six US Presidents Have Destroyed Iraq

It doesn’t take a PhD in Sociology to conclude that Iraq was better off with Saddam Hussein than it is today. It’s not that Saddam was a great leader without blood on his hands. It’s just that what six US presidents have done to Iraq over the past 35 years has been much worse than … Continue reading “Six US Presidents Have Destroyed Iraq”