If Obama Orders the CIA to Kill a US Citizen, Amazon Will Be a Partner in Assassination

President Obama is now considering whether to order the Central Intelligence Agency to kill a U.S. citizen in Pakistan. That’s big news this week. But hidden in plain sight is the fact that Amazon would be an accessory to the assassination. Amazon has a $600 million contract with the CIA to provide the agency with … Continue reading “If Obama Orders the CIA to Kill a US Citizen, Amazon Will Be a Partner in Assassination”

A New Assault on Freedom of the Press

Last week, a little noticed clash took place on Capitol Hill involving the fundamental values underlying the First Amendment. The issue was the lawfulness of publishing the secrets that were given to reporters by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden. The disputants were Cong. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., and FBI Director James Comey. Rogers … Continue reading “A New Assault on Freedom of the Press”

Confessions of an Unreconstructed ‘Isolationist’

I was going to write about this very interesting essay by David Rieff in The National Interest today, and weave in another fascinating piece by William Lind in The American Conservative – unfortunately, necessity has dictated another course. The response to our fundraising drive has so far been quite disappointing. If this goes on – … Continue reading “Confessions of an Unreconstructed ‘Isolationist’”

Intelligence Chief’s Histrionics Obscure Downgrade of Terrorist Threat

Lieutenant General James R. Clapper, Jr., the Director of National Intelligence, recently gave testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on his annual assessment of the threats facing the United States. What little attention was paid by the media – always seeking drama and conflict to get more viewers and readers in order to increase advertising … Continue reading “Intelligence Chief’s Histrionics Obscure Downgrade of Terrorist Threat”

An Iran in Flux Marks 35th Anniversary of Revolution

Thirty-five years ago today, millions of Iranians embraced a religious leader promising freedom from a corrupt monarchy and national independence. Now many want a better standard of living and improved civil rights. “Living standards are 50 percent higher today than they were before the revolution, but so are expectations, which is why the average person … Continue reading “An Iran in Flux Marks 35th Anniversary of Revolution”

60 Killed, 60 Wounded Across Iraq

At least 60 people were killed and 60 more were wounded today. A gruesome attack in northern Iraq left 16 dead at an army base. In Falluja, a doctor was injured when mortars fell on his hospital. Five people were killed and 31 more were wounded in mortar or artillery fire. In Ramadi, seven militants … Continue reading “60 Killed, 60 Wounded Across Iraq”

The Art of American Scaremongering

Whenever one needs a good laugh there is almost always an obliging politician who can come up with something that makes the rest of us smile. Michigan Republican Mike Rogers, frequently noted scowling with a face radiating hostility that could curdle milk, chairs the House Intelligence Committee. He is much given to finding enemies under … Continue reading “The Art of American Scaremongering”

Will No One Challenge Obama’s Executive Orders?

President Obama’s state of the union pledge to “act with or without Congress” marks a milestone in presidential usurpation of Congressional authority. Most modern presidents have used executive orders to change and even create laws without Congressional approval. However President Obama is unusually brazen, in that most Presidents do not brag about their plans to … Continue reading “Will No One Challenge Obama’s Executive Orders?”

Bomb School Blows Up; 45 Killed, 97 Wounded Across Iraq

Although attacks and airstrikes continues in Anbar, the main source of militant casualties was an accidental bomb explosion at a bomb-making class in northern Iraq. Also, there were assassination attempts against the speaker of the house and a Turkmen political leader. At least 45 people were killed and 97 more were wounded in the attacks.