The United States, which has dominated East Asia since World War II, is now "pivoting" towards that region to stem the rise of a new regional power – China. The instinct of most status quo powers is to foil the ascent of a rival for domination. This approach rarely works, because the emerging power is …
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With Ramadan winding down, Baghdad was again targeted in a series of evening bombings. At least were 57 killed and another 161 were wounded there and across Iraq. One of the fatalities, a suicide bomber, was discovered to be a Saudi national.
Apparently, the threat is both serious and specific. The United States ordered 22 diplomatic missions closed and issued a worldwide travel alert for U.S. citizens. The threat comes from Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, the most lethal branch of the terrorist organization. “After Benghazi,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., “these al-Qaeda types are really …
Continue reading “Al-Qaeda in Perspective”
A classic beltway tale: once upon a time, if a vaudeville act was so horrible, audience members would heckle it right off the stage, and maybe target it with a few rotten vegetables. But in Washington, despite scathing reviews, watchdog investigations and bare-knuckle insults from lawmakers who hold the purse, Uncle Sam will continue funding …
Continue reading “Congress Finally Getting Wise to JIEDDO”
At least 49 people were killed and 58 more were wounded in random attacks across Iraq. The worst violence occurred in and around Mosul. There was also a bomb in Baghdad that left over a dozen dead or injured.
Close your eyes for a moment, think about recent events, and you could easily believe yourself in a Seinfeldian Bizarro World. Now, open them and, for a second, everything looks almost familiar… and then you notice that a dissident is fleeing a harsh and draconian power, known for its global surveillance practices, use of torture, …
Continue reading “The Manning Trial Began on 9/11”
For years libertarians have been saying that the encroachment of government on the lives and liberties of Americans is reaching a point of no return, and for this we have been disdained as alarmists, "conspiracy theorists," tin-foil hat-wearers of the worst sort. Tyranny in America? Impossible! cried smug liberals and equally complacent conservatives (and a …
Continue reading “We Cannot Lose This Fight: Defeat the NSA”
In 2001, the Patriot Act opened the door to US government monitoring of Americans without a warrant. It was unconstitutional, but most in Congress over my strong objection were so determined to do something after the attacks of 9/11 that they did not seem to give it too much thought. Civil liberties groups were concerned, …
Continue reading “Why Won’t They Tell Us the Truth About NSA Spying?”
At least 19 people were killed today and 28 more were wounded. Also, the Mosul head of a Iraqi political party was survived an assassination attempt unscathed.
At least 58 people were killed and 29 more were wounded in fresh violence across Iraq. Numerous attacks were staged across Diyala province