Dangerous US Policy in East Asia

The United States, which has dominated East Asia since World War II, is now "pivoting" towards that region to stem the rise of a new regional power – China. The instinct of most status quo powers is to foil the ascent of a rival for domination. This approach rarely works, because the emerging power is … Continue reading “Dangerous US Policy in East Asia”

Al-Qaeda in Perspective

Apparently, the threat is both serious and specific. The United States ordered 22 diplomatic missions closed and issued a worldwide travel alert for U.S. citizens. The threat comes from Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, the most lethal branch of the terrorist organization. “After Benghazi,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., “these al-Qaeda types are really … Continue reading “Al-Qaeda in Perspective”

Congress Finally Getting Wise to JIEDDO

A classic beltway tale: once upon a time, if a vaudeville act was so horrible, audience members would heckle it right off the stage, and maybe target it with a few rotten vegetables. But in Washington, despite scathing reviews, watchdog investigations and bare-knuckle insults from lawmakers who hold the purse, Uncle Sam will continue funding … Continue reading “Congress Finally Getting Wise to JIEDDO”

The Manning Trial Began on 9/11

Close your eyes for a moment, think about recent events, and you could easily believe yourself in a Seinfeldian Bizarro World. Now, open them and, for a second, everything looks almost familiar… and then you notice that a dissident is fleeing a harsh and draconian power, known for its global surveillance practices, use of torture, … Continue reading “The Manning Trial Began on 9/11”

We Cannot Lose This Fight: Defeat the NSA

For years libertarians have been saying that the encroachment of government on the lives and liberties of Americans is reaching a point of no return, and for this we have been disdained as alarmists, "conspiracy theorists," tin-foil hat-wearers of the worst sort. Tyranny in America? Impossible! cried smug liberals and equally complacent conservatives (and a … Continue reading “We Cannot Lose This Fight: Defeat the NSA”

Why Won’t They Tell Us the Truth About NSA Spying?

In 2001, the Patriot Act opened the door to US government monitoring of Americans without a warrant. It was unconstitutional, but most in Congress over my strong objection were so determined to do something after the attacks of 9/11 that they did not seem to give it too much thought. Civil liberties groups were concerned, … Continue reading “Why Won’t They Tell Us the Truth About NSA Spying?”