Stuff Happens: The Pentagon’s Argument of Last Resort on Iraq

It’s the ultimate argument, the final bastion against withdrawal, and over these last years, the Bush administration has made sure it would have plenty of heft. Ironically, its strength lies in the fact that it has nothing to do with the vicissitudes of Iraqi politics, the relative power of Shiites or Sunnis, the influence of … Continue reading “Stuff Happens: The Pentagon’s Argument of Last Resort on Iraq”

How Guantánamo Can Be Closed: More Advice for Barack Obama

In a previous article, Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files, examined the reasons why Barack Obama must stick to his election promise to close the "War on Terror" prison at Guantánamo Bay, focusing on the Bush administration’s callous disregard for domestic and international laws, its pursuit of unfettered executive power, the disturbing effects of … Continue reading “How Guantánamo Can Be Closed: More Advice for Barack Obama”

Backtalk, November 21, 2008

Michael Moore’s Off-Color Draft Joke Mr. Coleman, Sir, as a former U.S. Marine and a Vietnam war vet, I agree with you 100%. Old Mike Moore had best “rethink” his supposed joke. And he’d best do so damn fast. I enjoyed the description of the draft to the Pentagon like an alcoholic in a liquor … Continue reading “Backtalk, November 21, 2008”

Thursday: 14 Iraqis Killed, 39 Wounded

Updated at 6:45 p.m. EST, Nov. 20, 2008At least 14 Iraqis were killed and 39 more were wounded as a second day of chaos temporarily halted parliamentary debates over a U.S.-Iraqi security pact. No Coalition deaths were reported, but U.S. forces killed an al-Qaeda leader after receiving a tip to his whereabouts. Debate over a … Continue reading “Thursday: 14 Iraqis Killed, 39 Wounded”

Obama Urged to Strengthen Ties with UN

A bipartisan group of some three dozen senior foreign policy figures has released a statement calling for President-elect Barack Obama to make strengthening long-troubled US relations with the United Nations a major priority in his new administration. It calls, among other things, for the incoming administration to pay US dues to the world body on … Continue reading “Obama Urged to Strengthen Ties with UN”

Who Will Stop the Settlers?

The middle-of-the-night eviction last week of an elderly Palestinian couple from their home in East Jerusalem to make way for Jewish settlers is a demonstration of Israeli intent towards a future peace deal with the Palestinians. Mohammed and Fawziya Khurd are now on the street, living in a tent, after Israeli police enforced a court … Continue reading “Who Will Stop the Settlers?”

Robert Gates: As Bad As Rumsfeld?

"As Bad As Rumsfeld?" The title jars, doesn’t it. The more so, since Defense Secretary Robert Gates found his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, such an easy act to follow. But the jarring part reflects how malnourished most of us are on the thin gruel served up by the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM). Over the past few … Continue reading “Robert Gates: As Bad As Rumsfeld?”

Wednesday: 11 Iraqis Killed, 18 Wounded

Updated at 7:10 p.m. EST, Nov. 19, 2008At least 11 Iraqis were killed and another 18 were wounded in today’s attacks. Also, the Iraqi governent reported that they had discovered a mass grave three months ago near Najaf. The grave contained 150 bodies killed during the Saddam era. Meanwhile, debate in parliament over a U.S.-Iraqi … Continue reading “Wednesday: 11 Iraqis Killed, 18 Wounded”

Pact Will End Iraqi Dependence on US Military

The text of the U.S.-Iraq status of forces agreement (SOFA) signed by U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari Monday closes the door to a further U.S. military presence beyond 2011 even more tightly than the previous draft and locks in a swift end to Iraqi dependence on the U.S. military that … Continue reading “Pact Will End Iraqi Dependence on US Military”

What the Clinton Appointment Means

The American people are sick and tired of the Bush era, and they are counting the days until Barack Obama is inaugurated. The reasons for this are manifold, of course, but the one that concerns us especially here at is the vital question of war and peace. American foreign policy had become so relentlessly … Continue reading “What the Clinton Appointment Means”