Tuesday: 1 US Soldier, 62 Iraqis Killed; 70 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 10:40 p.m. EST, Jan. 1, 2008At least 62 Iraqis were killed and 70 wounded in the latest attacks, which included a significant suicide bombing at a funeral in Baghdad. Meanwhile, the Iraqi government released their official casualty figures for 2007; the number of Iraqi deaths is up from last year. Also, an American … Continue reading “Tuesday: 1 US Soldier, 62 Iraqis Killed; 70 Iraqis Wounded”

Paving the Road to Hell

Mephisto, the demon who bought the soul of Faust in Goethe’s monumental drama, describes himself as "a part of that force which always wants the bad and always creates the good." Yossi Beilin, who resigned this week as chairman of the Meretz Party, is Mephisto’s opposite: he always wants the good and all too often … Continue reading “Paving the Road to Hell”

Blaming the CIA Won’t Work

Columnist Robert Novak is hardly a neoconservative. He has often been harshly critical of Israel, which would automatically disqualify him from joining that elite group, but he apparently shares the neocon view of the U.S. intelligence community. In a Christmas Eve column called "Subverting Bush at Langley," Novak, sometimes referred to by his critics as … Continue reading “Blaming the CIA Won’t Work”